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GRACIE SMILED BRIGHTLY, one arm wrapped around Embry's waist beside her whilst the other held a silver invitation. A wedding invitation. Seth came bounding out of his own kitchen to see what they were examining. Since the battle, Gracie had been living wherever Embry lived - either Emily's little home or the Clearwater's house. 

"We've been invited to a wedding cool!" Seth cheered, patting his hands on the couple's shoulders in front of him.

Leah frowned, whilst she helped her mother prepare a nice lunch. "There's no way I'm be going to that."

Sue Clearwater flicked her eyes. "Well Seth and I will be going. It's would be rude to Charlie if we didn't show up and besides Gracie is a bridesmaid." 

Gracie smiled at Sue Clearwater. The lady was often quiet but did surprise everybody when she did say something. She became Gracie's second mother in a way. It was everything Gracie needed. 

"Well I hope you guys have fun, I'll go check on Jacob. No doubt he's angry over Bella marrying Edward." Embry finally said, kissing the girl's forehead. 

Gracie turned wide-eyed at him. "Aren't you attending with me?"

"I doubt the entire wolf pack has been invited. It is truly up to Sam. Alpha's orders, remember." Embry answered her, his hand squeezing hers.

Gracie nodded, letting Embry go to find Jacob's whereabouts. The paranormal life had it's ups and downs and for her significant other not being able to attend her best friend's wedding due to the fact that they are a different type of person was definitely a downer. 

Seth jumped onto the couch, flicking the television on. Gracie sat beside him, retrieving a handful of popcorn from his bowl. 

"Bet you wish you were a wolf now." Seth laughed with his mouth full of popcorn whilst flicking the channels to find a decent one without any static. 

"I sure do." Gracie laughed back, but then frowned straight after. 

Seth turned the volume right down. "I've never been to a wedding."

"I've been to one, but I was only a toddler." Gracie smiled at him. "I can't remember a single detail." 

"I hope there'll be pizza." Seth said plainly, leaning back onto the couch as if he was now dreaming about all kinds of pizza's. 

Gracie laughed, that's all she could do. Leah soon came into the room, plonking herself onto the seat beside Gracie. 

"Why do you want to go Seth? There's going to be a tonne of vampire's just eyeing you out." 

Seth leaned forward again, flicking his eyes. "You don't have to be so depressed all the time." 

Leah scrunched her face. 

"She's not depressed, Seth. She just hates vampires." Gracie came to the defense of her best friend, also trying not to hurt her other best friend right beside her. 

Seth shrugged, shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth. 

A knock at the door made everybody's heads turn. Leah shot up, heading towards it straight away. It was Sam. Leah walked away, straight into her room and slamming the door behind her whilst Sam entered the lounge room, not phased in the slightest by Leah's reaction.

"Is everything ok?" Gracie asked the tall alpha before them,

Sam nodded. "Jacob's roaming around all of Canada, a bit hard for the boys to bring him back. Embry, Jared and Quil are spending a bit of time with him."

Gracie paused. 

"So what does that mean exactly?" Seth asked. 

Sam looked straight to Gracie. "They won't be around until Jacob decides to come back." 

The fair-skinned girl took a deep breath. Jacob was the type to hold such a grudge that he'd likely almost take a month off, maybe even longer. Bella was getting married to Edward. Worse off, she was going to be turned into a vampire after that. Jacob was at boiling point.

"If you need anything; Emily, Paul and myself will still be around." Sam finally said before nodding to the girl and Seth before heading back out. 

"He forgot to mention the main person...myself." Seth motioned to himself. 

Gracie laughed lightly, but she couldn't stop thinking about the distant feeling in her heart. The last few months had been just so hard on Gracie and she felt so reliant on Embry, so dependant on her imprint. Now, she was without him for who knows how long. All she could do was continue spending time with Seth and Leah, maybe even Bella and the Cullen's to take her mind off everything. 

"Sometimes I wish Sam wouldn't ask them to do all these things, just let Jacob go out on his alone." Gracie said quickly, taking another piece of popcorn.

Seth looked to Gracie for a long while before answering. "I don't think Sam would've come over to tell us the situation if he had ordered them."

"You think Embry decided to leave on his own?" Gracie asked, playing with the same popcorn in her hand. 

Seth nodded. 

"Embry is not Sam, Seth. Maybe he wanted to go find Jacob but didn't say anything so Sam read his mind and sent him off." Leah came into the room, still pouting from Sam's presence. 

Gracie didn't answer. It wasn't Embry's fault. He is always being thrown into circumstances, without his own choice. Gracie was adamant. 

Gracie flicked the invitation around her hand for a couple minutes; examining it, pretending she wasn't thinking about Jacob and Embry or anything. There were five weeks until Bella's wedding, that was her focus. 

She had so many things she needed to organise with Bella. Firstly by answering all of Alice's messages regarding fittings for her bridesmaid dress, her heels, jewellery and everything else entailed in Alice's detailed list. 

Five weeks until her very first friend she'd ever made would be married...to a vampire.

2017 ©misstonii

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