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"GRACIE, how are you?" A familiar happy voice spoke on the phone. It was Riley. 

Gracie spoke so quickly through the excitement. "Really, really good! I can't believe you're back here in Seattle!!" 

Riley chuckled, he too missed his younger sister dearly. "Well I'm just chilling at a pub in Pike Place Market. Mum and Dad said they'd pick me up in an hour or so from here so I'll be able to see you tonight!" 

Gracie cheered. This has what she had been waiting for, for what seemed like a thousand years. The young girl didn't know what do to with all her excitement. She wanted to scream and shout from the mountains, she wanted to run to run to Jacob's House or to Embry but they had all been quiet together as a pack for a long time since Bella had returned. Apparently she caused some sort of fuss choosing Edward over Jake, and that really pissed him off. Embry did visit Gracie as much as he could, always filling her in on what Sam and Jacob have been doing. They were good together, way better than Gracie ever imagined her life to be like. Gracie didn't quite know what her feelings were because of this how 'imprinting' thing, but she did know that she loved Embry - a lot. 

Most of all, Gracie wanted to tell Bella absolutely everything that she hadn't had the chance to tell her but that was blocked. Charlie had grounded Bella from her Italy stunt from everyone, including Gracie and Jacob and most especially - Edward. 

But lucky for Gracie, that ended today at 4.15pm precisely. 

Bella had called me, not about anything else but for me to join her on a trip to Jacobs house the next day after school. I was up to that, truly. I was up to seeing anybody at this point - even Mike Newton would suffice. Alike Gracie, Bella was unable to get a hold of Jacob on the phone - he would simply never, ever pick up the phone. Even Billy didn't seem to answer at times and once again this felt like deja vu with Jacob. Not even Embry would budge from his 'I don't know' when asked why Jacob wouldn't pick up. 

Gracie understood a little why he would be mad not to answer Bella's calls, but herself? He had no excuse. He of all people should know that if there were sides of choosing - Gracie would stand by the wolves, not only for Embry but for Jacob too! She was one of them now. 

The next day at school was like a breath of fresh air when Edward and Bella joined the table of Gracie, Jessica, Mike, Angela and Eric. Each of them were helping Jessica with her Graduation Speech, and for real - it was getting worse every time Eric and Mike would speak to the point that Gracie laughed overtime they opened their mouthes. 

"We are the future. Anything is possible, if you just believe." Mike began his sincere, heartfelt lies for graduation. "Perfect, you got yourself a speech." 

Gracie erupted in laughter with Eric as Mike threw the paper onto the table like he was dropping a microphone. 

"Yeah, this will be my speech, when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head. So, thank you." Jessica wittingly answered, crumpling the 'speech' into a ball and tossing it at Mike's head. 

Sooner or later, Alice and Jasper joined the table. 

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice began, smiling widely. 

Bella and Edward looked to them immediately. 

"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper spoke this time. 

This was probably the first time Gracie had actually heard him speak in front of others.

"A party at your place?" Angela asked, leaning forward. 

Jessica looked directly at the Cullen's. "I've never seen your house." 

"No-one's ever seen their house." Eric told Jessica. 

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asked, not looking the slightest bit amused. 

Gracie just flicked her gaze from person to person as they spoke. 

"It'll be fun!" Alice cheerfully said. 

Bella decided to say something this time. "Yeah, that's what you said last time." 

Alice looked hurt, and Gracie could tell immediately. Truth was, Bella's word had been a bit harsh.

For some reason that afternoon, Bella decided to cancel her trip to Jacob's but unknowingly it worked out for the better. Gracie's parents had returned home, without Riley. 

"Mom? Dad? Where's Riley?" Gracie asked with pure terror in her words. 

Her mother continued to cry, pulling Gracie into a hug. That's when she knew something was wrong. 

"Riley's gone missing. He was last seen exiting the pub around the time we'd told him to meet us...but he never showed up to the car." Mr Biers told his daughter trying his hardest to hold back tears like he held onto the greatest slither of hope that his son was still alive. 

They were about to go to the police station to file a missing person's report but Gracie had no desire in coming with them. She ran up the stairs and into her brother's bedroom. She had pure rage. She wanted her brother, no one else. 

That was the day Gracie decided to forget about her last moments in high school and focus on finding her brother. The search for Riley Biers. 

2017 ©misstonii

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