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IT HAD BEEN two full weeks since Riley's disappearance. Bella must've called about twenty times a day for the whole two weeks, not to mention Mike, Angela, Jessica and Eric. Each day a new phone call. Both of Gracie's parents were living in Seattle for a bit, determined to do all they can to trace their son. Gracie was doing the same thing, but her tracing was done with the wolves. Two new wolves had phased, siblings. The female was Leah, she was rather nice to Gracie when she was alone, but when she was beside Embry - Leah almost looked angry. The youngest wolf was Seth. He was like a puppy. He was extremely cheerful with Gracie. It was clear he didn't know anything about the imprinting yet.

According to Jared, Edward and Bella would visit the Bier's home every afternoon, but nobody was there. Apparently, Edward had even climbed through Gracie's bedroom window to check.

Gracie sincerely didn't want to abandon her friends. She just didn't think she could handle them all, pretending that things are back to normal or have them asking if she's ok twenty-four seven. Gracie was a strong girl, but not that strong. She liked being with the wolf pack. They never pressed questions, they simply lived in the present. Embry was more caring and loving than before and Gracie definitely needed it. She couldn't shut out her emotions completely.

One day, Sam came running back in, calling his boys to follow. There was a lead of Victoria's scent nearby, along with another unfamiliar one to him. Gracie stayed back with Emily as they all pounded off with one another. Leah basically refused to be in the same room as Emily, walking out of the hut too, but a different direction to the boys.

"Bet you wish you were a wolf!" Seth taunted Gracie a bit, shoving one of Emily's muffin's in his mouth.

Gracie shook her head. "No way! Imagine if somebody at school ticked me off, and I just turned into some huge wolf."

"You don't even attend school, what're talking about!" Seth answered.

The pair laughed, to which Gracie even caught Emily giggle from behind the kitchen counter.

The boys piled back in after a couple hours or so, all of them furious. Paul walked in the most furious, his veins in his neck bulging.

"Pull it together!" Sam grabbed the hem of his shirt.

Paul was almost shaking. "That. Was. Our. Territory."

Embry walked over to Gracie, pulling her slightly away from Paul, his hand still on hers. Paul shrugged Sam off and headed back outside.

"What happened?" Emily asked when Sam reached her side.

Sam took a deep breath, "We were out chasing the Cold One when one of the Carlisle's boys jumped over on our land, after Victoria."

"Doesn't matter who the hell he was after; they were on our territory!" Jacob pressed, also angrily.

"Not now, Jacob!" Sam looked at him sternly, leadingly.

Jacob went outside too; the same way Paul had gone. Gracie looked up to Embry. He kissed her forehead, then leant forward to grab one of the muffin's on the table. Jared had begun eating them too, being extremely quiet for once.

Leah had come back inside, took one glance at Sam cuddling Emily and climbed up the ladder to the bunks as quickly as possible. Gracie followed.

"Don't you get sick of all the unnecessary PDA crap?" Leah asked, tossing her blanket neatly over her bed.

Gracie sat on hers, which was situated beside Leah's. "I don't really take notice, to be honest."

"Yeah, I suppose you don't spend as much time as I do here. But still, it drives me crazy."

Gracie smiled, "I usually have other things blocking my thoughts about their PDA's."

"Right..." Leah began, lying down on her bed. "We'll find your brother, he probably just lost his phone and extended his trip or something."

"Hopefully." Gracie replied lying down also.

She really hoped Leah was right. She could handle not seeing Riley for a while, but to have no closure on his whereabouts or worse, find out he'd been killed would probably tear the girl apart.

That night, Gracie slept perfectly for an hour. She had a small dream. A dream which seemed so real but couldn't possibly be true. It was her brother, Riley. He'd come back to home. She couldn't tell if it was their home or somebody else's home but he was there, somewhere in Forks. Alive and Well. But he looked tired, his eyes darkened, his skin pale. Then suddenly the dream ended.

Gracie woke in a little startle, trying to remain quiet as she didn't want to wake up Leah who was certainly not a morning person and would definitely not be a middle of the night person. She gently climbed out of her bed, climbed down the ladder and into Emily's kitchen.

The shack seemed quite terrifying this late at night, in the dark. She was standing there alone and the woods surrounded them. The doors didn't seem that stable the more she looked at it and the curtains flowing in the wind made it seem scarier.

A floorboard creaked behind her, and Gracie turned around whilst taking a step behind. It was Embry.

"Are you ok, Grace?" Embry asked turning a lamp on its lowest charge to not fill up the entire shack.

Gracie breathed out, nodding. She took a seat on the couch in the furthest corner. Embry sat right beside her to which Gracie leaned down to rest of head on his lap.

"Was it another nightmare?" Embry asked, running his hand through her hair slowly.

"No," Gracie spoke softly. "It was a dream, but I don't think it was a nightmare."

"What was it about?" He asked, his hand rubbing over her arm instead of her hair.

Gracie took a moment before she answered. "Riley, of course. It's always about him. He was in a house, holding a red shirt or something. I couldn't tell if he was at home or somebody else's I've been to. It felt familiar though. His face...it was, like pale and dark. He seemed...off?"

Embry stopped rubbing his hand over her arm, he'd clearly thought of something. Gracie pushed herself up to look at him. His brown eyes seemed to had swallowed up worry.

"What?" Gracie asked, running her own hand over his cheek down to his neck.

Embry smiled and planted a kiss on her lips. "Nothing."

Neither continued to press questions, but even Gracie could tell he wasn't letting her know something. What Embry hadn't told her was simply the fact that he nor anybody in the pack had considered the possibility of Riley Biers being turned into a vampire. Victoria could've done so. It made sense to Embry, like putting pieces of a puzzle together.

The Cullen's had killed one of her friends, The Wolves had also killed another of her friends. They also hadn't heard of any others in her little tribe so he was nearly positive she must've been alone now. It would make sense for her to seek others, to help her kill Bella. Embry, however, didn't want to say any of this to Gracie. He didn't want her to feel the pain he knew she'd feel in losing him.

So Embry Call, kept this one to himself. He only hoped that the rest of the pack wouldn't read his mind and spill the words back to her. 

2017 ©misstonii

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