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EVERYBODY LISTENED TO A FULL HOUR of Jacob's agonised screams whilst Carlisle tried to help Jacob. Bella's truck pulled up in the driveway, to which she ran out toward the house. Gracie said nothing, at this moment she felt nothing. She stood in front of Embry who was balanced on the railing behind her, his arms around her neck. Seth stood in front of her, whilst Quil stood on either side of the door. Nobody looked happy.

Bella went in to speak with him, whilst everybody waited outside.

Embry hopped off the railing.

"I'll take you home." He whispered, leading her toward Emily's hut. Gracie stopped halfway through the forrest. Even though it was dark, Gracie could still see the log which crossed the river to her backyard. She spotted her empty house. Her house of memories.

Embry grabbed her hand, following her line of sight. "You want to stop by?"

She nodded, together they crossed the log. Their hands never let go of one another. Embry opened the backdoor and together they entered. Gracie ignored the memories of her parents murder in the kitchen whilst Embry headed upstairs to fully check it was empty. Gracie went into the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of gasoline her father kept in case they needed spare petrol and the box of matches.

She unscrewed the lid and began during in the kitchen, her parent's bedroom and bathroom, then out into the living. She followed the route upstairs and began covering her bedroom floor in petrol. She reached her brother's room in which Embry had been standing in.

"I found these if you want to them..." Embry began stopping his sentence when he saw what she was holding. "Gracie what are you doing?"

"I can't. The memories are way too much, Em. I want to burn the house." Gracie said, trying to push away the tears that wanted to escape from her eyes.

Embry took the gasoline bottle out of her hands.

"Are you sure?" He asked, gently.

Gracie didn't answer at first, she was scanning her brother's room.

"Hey." Embry said again, his hand lifting her chin gently.

"I don't know anymore." She whispered back.

Embry looked more than worried. He placed the bottle down and then took the box of matches out her hands.

"I'll do it," Embry spoke softly, taking a match out of the box.

Gracie nodded, heading back down the stairs. Embry lit a match and dropped it on the carpet. He quickly ran down stairs and out the door hoping he'd be fast enough to escape before the fire found the gasoline.

She reached Gracie's side and pulled her further away so they both wouldn't get hurt. Together they stood and watched as The Bier's Family Home burned. Embry continued to take her back to Emily's.

Emily had cooked a large dinner for everybody, a set of feast for dominating the newborn army. I sort of lifted her spirits but not completely.

Paul was joking non-stop with Sam whilst Quil and Seth got along well. Leah didn't bother to join the party whilst Emily kept herself busy cooking dessert for the boys. Embry sat beside Jared, eating away whilst rubbing his thumb over Gracie's hand once and a while.Jared was the loudest of the night, continuously making jokes. He tried cracking a few with Gracie but it made her feel more and more uncomfortable about the whole celebration. She got up and walked outside, wanting a breath of fresh air to clear her mind.

"Gracie?" A light voice arose from behind her.

"Seth." She answered softly, her voice almost breaking.

He reached her side, handing her a chicken salad sandwich. She breathed out like a laugh almost and took the sandwich.

"I'm sorry about your brother." He began, earning her gaze.

She nodded and planted a small smile on her face. "It's not your fault."

She took a bite out of her sandwich after he gave her a quick hug then walked back inside, exchanging position with Embry.

"No wonder the party is dead. The soul of the place is outside." Embry said upliftingly to her whilst throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry. Just finding it difficult to be in a party mood." Gracie trailed off her words as she faced him.

He nodded, "You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you, always."

Gracie smiled, then took another bite out of Seth's sandwich. Embry looked down, taking a bite out of it too.

"Hey!" Gracie laughed, pushing him away.

Together they laughed, practically forgetting everything. They were in the element of enjoying one another's company. With every passing day it was definitely evident to the both of them as well as everybody intent of watching and noticing - Embry Call and Gracie Biers were getting closer and closer everyday. More than any other imprint pairing that existed, no bond seemed to be stronger in love than Embry and Gracie.


Gracie had finally gotten a good night sleep, but at five in the morning she was awoken by Embry.

"Hey," he whispered, trying not to wake up Leah beside her. "Come with me."

Gracie didn't say anything but took the boys hand and followed him to a spare room in Emily's place she'd never needed to enter. He began climbing a ladder and she followed up onto the roof of Emily's hut. They stood on a thick tree which was near a metre above the tin roof.

"Look over there." Embry whispered, pulling her shoulders to rest on his chest so she could match his view.

He pulled a blanket over her as together they watched the sunrise together.

"It's beautiful." She breathed out whilst Embry smiled at the girl in front of him.

A new day was arising with endless possibilities for everybody, especially Gracie.

2017 ©misstonii

Midnight Sun ❖ (Embry Call - The Twilight Saga)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora