Halloween Short

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First of all, I would like to thank all my readers and voters for this book. I know I've said this before but I'll say it again, I never thought this was ever possible. 55,000 reads and 1000+ votes is a supreme amount and I am so so grateful that you all enjoyed this book.

In saying this, I've written a little special clip for 10 years since Twilight came out, and who knows maybe I'll drop a few more little special clips from the lives of Gracie and Embry Call.


GRACIE LET OUT A SIGH, smiling at the little face peering up at her. His soft, luscious skin with a tinge of red in them cooed, a little giggle before she continued rocking him again. Embry walked into the room with a freshly made bottle of warm milk in a bottle for his son, stopping at the doorway to absorb the scene before him.

It was everything he had visioned in his dream 'normal' life; his beautiful wife, healthy and happy with their child in her arms. There were flashing fairy lights and halloween decorations spread around their small house not far from the house of Emily and Sam. On the floor beside his wife were three pumpkins; one intrinsically carved by Gracie, another bore an attempted 'scream' face whilst the third had been hacked away at by his son - Riley Annican Call.

Gracie and Embry had planned a quiet Halloween night, inviting over Embry's mother for dinner. However, their plan completely fell through when more than a few boys tumbled inside. Gracie laughed lightly, knowing there was never a dull moment when it came to being involved with the wolf pack and the Cullen's. Embry flicked his eyes, almost giving up on this ingredient book he was trying to follow for his candy-cake creation.

It was strange, really. Normal life kept them busy, but weirdly enough they all missed the action. They were sure they wouldn't miss it if they were living through it again, but going by daily life activities weren't as challenging as both Embry and Gracie's past. Regardless, everything was how Gracie had truly wanted life to be; full, happy and a warm, loving family.

Of course, family didn't just mean the Call's themselves - as Gracie looked around the now packed house, she smiled as she looked at everyone she called family. Seth had shovelled a handful of sweets into his mouth whilst Paul slapped the back of his head with a baby shoe. Jared had begun painting a pumpkin of his own and Quil flicked through the channels in search of a spooky movie. Finally, over in the corner on the comfiest chair in the entire house sat Leah holding baby Riley in her arms and feeding him his little milk bottle.

Everything was peaceful in it's weird way. The playful shouts and taunting from the boys is what made them all feel right at home. 

Of course, Gracie would visit Bella and her family every now and then - Renesmee getting taller and taller each time. So much had happened to the pair in over such a short amount of time. Their lives changed drastically and Gracie did wish there were some things that panned out differently. 

The main thing, however, was that Gracie Biers was happy.

She trusted everyone around her and would do anything to protect them. It was with hope each day that they wouldn't ever need to be in the position to save anyone, but to hold onto their youth a little longer since so much of it had been through torment and pain. 

But for now, life was good and so was Halloween. 


It may be a little shorter than expected, I might upload another for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Wattpad had been playing up on my laptop and wouldn't let me write, so I'm glad to finally upload this short at least.

Happy Halloween!!

2017 ©misstonii

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