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SINCE THE CHRISTMAS PARTY at the Swan's Residence; Embry, Gracie, Leah and Seth joined the sides of the Cullen's as they worked towards gaining witnesses for Renesmee. What they didn't know is how many vampire's were going to be with them, in the same house. 

That only meant for the phasing of more, younger wolves. 

Some of the vampire's overhearing the news were scared of the 'immortal child' and refused to accept the explanation of Carlisle, Edward and Bella. The majority accepted it and were willing to protest against the Volturi's accusations. 

Gracie needed a moment, a breather. The last time she knew the Volturi were coming, her brother died. The last time she ever saw a member of the Volturi, her parent's died. She started contemplating who she was going to lose this time. 

Gracie, being Gracie, forgot to tell Embry where she was headed or the fact she was leaving his side for a small moment. She found herself walking through the Cullen's beautiful home, heading to a section she'd never been to before.   

Unfortunately, Gracie had chosen to be in the room furthest from everybody, even from Rosalie who hid Renesmee. She peered along the shelves whilst reading the titles of various elegant books and  examining the detailed artworks which hung above them. The human hadn't noticed she was not alone.

There was a small creak in the floor as the person shifted his weight, Gracie taking notice and spinning around until she spotted a figure by the doorframe. The person to enter the room astonished her. It was somebody who was reported missing around the same time as Riley, in fact it was her brother's best friend - Chase Wiley. 

His eyes were glassy red, his skin paler than it had ever been. He was still as tall as she last remembered him, lean muscled and slightly attractive. From a certain angle he even looked like her brother with his full lips. The only thing different from his usual look was his slicked back hair with had turned from a dirty blonde to a deep shade of brown from the amount of gel plastered on top.

He smirked, drawing himself closer to her. "Gracie Annica Biers. I longed for the time I'd see you again."

Gracie felt a tremor run down her spine as she felt Chase's cold hands brush against her neck, down to her wrist. The girl's eyes were welling up as the immense amount of fear in her body prevented her from screaming. She was frozen. Her breathing quickened as she began to hear the wolves arrive outside helping the Cullen's and a few nomad vampire's attack a rebellious red-eyed vampire who was trespassing and looking for trouble. Cleary, whoever they were fighting was a distraction for Chase Wiley to find Gracie.

"Shhhhh," he continually whispered in quick bursts as his iced fingers ran down her hair and cheek whilst she whimpered. She wanted to scream, or cry. One or the other, at least. She shut her eyes, letting a tear roll down her cheek as she felt his tongue flick against her right wrist.

"I've been searching for you," Chase continued to speak. 

Gracie managed to say something back to the person pinning her. "Why me?"

"Aro wants you back." He simply replied before moving onto his next actions.

 As one of his hand carefully held her wrist, the other quickly clasped over her mouth pushing Gracie's head harshly against the wall. Now she tried to scream, however, it was too late. His hand over her mouth prevented any sort of noise to escape. 

'This is it', she thought, 'I'm going to die by the hands of a vampire, just like my brother.' 

Just as she thought that, her heart ached in thought of being turned into a vampire. 

"Embry!" She screamed against his hand covering her mouth, but all Chase did was smirk at the distorted and muffled noise to escape her lips.

He tightened his clasp around Gracie's mouth, not wanting to attract anyone's attention. His razor teeth sliced through the skin of her wrist without hesitation, deep into the flesh as he cut through the thin blood vessels permitting them to spill the precious venom. Gracie screamed as hard as she could as the pain tore through her wrist and spread all over her body, though no one could hear her and no one was coming to save her. Gracie Biers' scarlet blood dripped from his lips to which he lapped up with his tongue, moaning as he looked into her scared, pained eyes. 

He let go of her hold, laying the girl to the ground as he enjoyed watching her writhe in agonising pain. It burned worse than the flames of a fire. It hurt too much and she was dying. She could barely think, her head was spinning and her screaming turned into more of cries whilst her back arched her body off the floor, hitting it down hard again. Gracie tried anything to stop the pain. She felt like she would pass out, the room was beginning to blur. 

She panned her vision around whilst her heartbreaking screams sounded like they were beginning to break. Her eyes were beginning to close a little, her back and legs still hitting the ground from the agonising bursts of pain. She saw figures running into the room. 

Gracie was breathing heavily as someone grabbed her wrist. She was able to distinguish Sam by her side, holding her wrist as well as Carlisle. She also noticed Paul holding back Embry but couldn't tell their expressions. Finally, she saw the Cullen's ripping the head off Chase Wiley.

All that she saw next was blackness. She was amongst pure darkness, emotionless. 

From blackness to a blinding white. Gracie blinked a couple times, finding herself on an operating table upstairs. Carlisle was by her side, smiling as she woke up completely. The girl looked at her wrist, then touched her face. 

She searched the room to see who was there. On her left; Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Bella, Edward, Renesmee and Esme slightly behind Carlisle. To her right was Sam with Jacob. But that was it - no Paul, no Seth, no Leah nor Jared. More importantly, no Embry.

"Embry?" Gracie's soft voice managed to speak, Sam rubbing his chin as he looked to Jacob.

"He thought we lost you," Jacob began, "so he phased and ran off."

Sam shook his head, stepping closer to her as she sat up quickly. "The rest of the pack are after him. He'll be back soon."

The Cullen's muttered something, each leaving the room with Jacob. They left Sam to talk to Gracie alone. 

"Sam," Gracie began, trying every ounce not to cry. "Why are they after me?" 

Sam shook his head, "You're human, I guess. I don't think you'll be coming back round here again."

"He said he's been searching for me." Gracie continued to speak softly. 

Sam cocked his head a little, he looked to the door to make sure it was shut before moving close to Gracie's side. "What exactly did he say?"

"He said that Aro wants me back. What does he mean by 'back'? I've never had anything to do with the Volturi." Gracie spoke quickly. She was nervous and scared. 

Sam took a deep breath. "I really do hate these cold ones. Let's get you back to Emily's, that's where Embry is. I can hear the pack arguing in my head."

Sam helped Gracie up, looking sternly at her. 

"From now on, you're staying inside Emily's home, always with somebody, never alone. You hear me?"

Gracie nodded, "Definitely."


2017 ©misstonii

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