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   Feb 2010

     "Riley, no!" Gracie commanded her son who was pulling on the table cloth which held all the party foods and decorations. 

The young boy pouted, his eyes growing wider which always made Gracie melt. She put down the streamers she was tying and walked over to him.

     "You're so mischievous." She marvelled as she picked her son up into the air, gently placing him on her left hip. 

Gracie and Embry were holding a birthday party of their son's 2nd birthday. Everything was just so perfect. They had such a happy family, something the pair never truly experienced before. Gracie tapped Riley's little nose, making him giggle loudly. He had these large, brown eyes as beautiful as his father's and a smile as captivating as his mother's. As any mother believes, Gracie was sold that her own baby was the most beautiful of them all.

The front door opened and in toppled Seth carrying four boxes on top of one another, barely being able to see from the side. 

     "I didn't sign up for this." Seth whinged, planting the boxes carefully onto the table before turning to the mesmerising sight of Riley Call. "I signed up for that."

Gracie laughed as Seth pointed to her son, taking him out of her arms to play with. Embry came in a moment later heading straight toward the fridge with the ice-cream cake. 

     "You should see this cake." Embry called out from the kitchen at the same time Leah and Emily walked into their house. 

Emily carried a tiered tray of cupcakes, each with blue icing on top. "I made these for the party. Thought you'd need all the help you could get." 

Gracie hugged Emily, extremely grateful of the Quileute family. Over the last hour before the party began, everything had fallen into place. Seth had stopped whinging only because he got to do nothing but entertain Riley whilst Leah arranged the table of food and the decorations around them. Embry and Dylan were working together to pin up streamers and hang the balloons that Sam had blown up. Occasionally Emily would make the joke that Sam was turning blue from running out of oxygen. 

A large raucous from outside made it's way toward the house. Nobody needed to look out the window the know who was arriving. All at once, with bellows of laughter and their signature calls, the wolf pack entered the hallway. 

     "Where is my favourite wolf cub?" Jared yelled from the hallway before entering the living room with a mid-sized box in his arms. 

Riley turned to Jared, his smile never leaving his tiny face once. As Jared handed Riley a box bigger than the toddler himself, Paul went straight to the table. He held out his hand ready to take one of Emily's cupcakes but Leah was quick to stop him. 

     "The party hasn't started yet!" Leah stated, crossing her arms after she slapped his hands. 

Paul held his own hands up in arrest. "C'mon. The party always starts when we arrive." 

Leah flicked her eyes, then walking away to Dylan. Paul smirked, quickly taking one of the cupcakes whilst she wasn't looking before heading to the birthday boy. 

The birthday party was a success. It had been a full three hours already and no one could find a fault. In one corner of the room sat Sam, Paul and Jared being as loud as possible with fits of laughter and banter, whilst another corner held Jacob, Embry and Quil talking softly whilst watching Riley Call. The birthday boy was the centre of attention in the centre of the room bopping to the songs in the background with a seven-year-old Claire Young as well as Seth, Brady and Collin surrounding them with party poppers. Emily, Rachel and Kim sat with Gracie filling her in on the usual gossip around their community whilst Dylan Mortelle followed Leah everywhere she went. He had met the other wolf pack members but meeting all these outgoing people was a bit too much for his quiet nature, he preferred the company of Leah than anyone else in that room.

     "Hooray!" Everybody cheered together after loudly singing a happy birthday to the star of the afternoon. 

With his son in his arms, Embry dipped a little so that Riley could safely blow out the candles of his ice-cream cake. Riley clapped in excitement with everybody else, earning a couple awes a lots of smiles in admiration. Embry kissed his son's forehead before putting him down beside his legs and took the plastic knife beside the cake ready to cut a piece for everybody. Of course, young Riley got the biggest and yummiest slice of his own birthday cake which ended up all over his face once he had finished eating it. 

Leah and Dylan were the first to say their goodbye's, followed by Emily, Rachel and Kim who needed to attend to their home. Quil also decided to take Claire home leaving the rest of the wolf pack, Gracie and Riley Call to themselves. 

     "Guess we'll do the cleaning up since you both did the setting up." Paul suggested, getting up from his claimed couch at the Call residence. 

     "Hey, I helped set up too!" Seth spoke with a mouth full of his fourth cupcake. 

Paul, Sam and Embry were in the midst of packing up everything when an unexpected knock was planted on their front door. The three in the kitchen hadn't heard it, but those in the living room did. 

     "Someone probably left something behind." Gracie told Jared as she headed to the front door with him behind her, eager to see who left what with a head full of jokes to taunt them with.

Gracie opened the door to an unfamiliar face.



First chapter is up of the Second Book is up!!!

If you like it, please give it a vote and a nice comments down below :)

I'm trying to make this book very unique compared to all the other Twilight Fanfiction's out there, i've researched as much as I could to also keep it as close to the fandom of Twilight as possible, so I hope you love this book as much as I do.

Second Year of University is a lot of work, but I'm when I'm free I try to write as many chapters as I can so I can just upload them easily rather than being frustrated with needing to write as well as do my graded work. I'm already in love with the first two chapter's I've written, so I'm off to a good non-writer's-block start THANK GOODNESS.

19.03.19 ~ misstonii

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