Yet Another Short

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[ La Push Beach, April 2011]

The wind blew gently over the beach of La Push, the waves crashed against the shore and the sand beneath the girl's feet felt soft and warm. A hand curled into hers as warm as the sunshine and his smile was brighter still. It had been a whole year of peace, no new threat, no old threat. Peace. 

     "I could never imagined this being my life. It's like there were all these roads yet I decided to make my own." Summer spoke gently, still gazing out at the calm ocean.

Seth tucked a strand of her burnt, cinnamon hair behind her ear grazing his thumb over her small eagle tattoo in that spot. "No regrets?"


They walked hand-in-hand together across the beach toward the echoing hoots and calls of the wolf-pack who were playing soccer. Seth jumped into the game, earning a rub-of-the-head in a headlock by Paul whilst Jared tripped over Quil's foot.

     "You stuck that out on purpose!" Jared loudly spoke, pointing to Quil's foot.

     "I'm sorry, it was reflex." Quil answered, whilst Sam laughed, ball in hand.

Summer sat down beside Gracie who watched the game with Emily. Summer felt more at home with these people that with the hunters of her past. She tried so hard, everyday, to be like them only to feel so alone by nightfall but with the wolf-pack, she was adored just by being herself. 

      "Kick the goal, Riley!" Seth cheered as Embry let go off a running three-year-old.

Little Riley, with his little feet ran to the ball, the rest of the pack pretending they were too slow for the young child, only making him giggle more and more. Finally, Riley picked up the ball in his hands and threw it at Sam, who moved out of the way in the goal to let him score before faking his frustration of missing it. The boys cheered at Riley, their little cub. Leah and Dylan were chanting Riley's name, running around like two mad people in love.

Embry ran up to his son, picking him up and spinning him around. "My little monster scored!"

Gracie chuckled, before looking to Summer.

     "I'm glad Seth found you, he deserved to find someone as radiant and pure as you." 

Summer smiled widely at Gracie, "Not as much as I'm glad to have found"

Gracie chuckled, "I know what it's like, to have had such a chaotic upbringing around people who didn't understand you, where you had to be someone you weren't in order to fit in. But that's a story for another time."

The blonde girl squeezed Summer's hand before pulling her up with Emily.

     "Let's show them our girl power." Emily said, before the girls ran into the game, joining in. 

Collin now held Riley on his shoulder's, refereeing the new game. Team 'Power' had Gracie, Summer, Emily, Leah, an eight-year-old badass of Claire Young, Jacob and a goal-keeping Quil. Their opposition, 'Legends' was Embry, Seth, Sam, Dylan, Brady, Paul and their goal-keeper, Jared. One Score. Another and another until the girls beat the boys by one. It was mostly due to Leah's tackling, Emily's strategy, Summer and Claire's tricking, Jacob and Gracie's skilled passing and shooting as well as Quil's master blocking. Jared tried to oppose to every goal he missed catching with excuses of 'the sand was too thick' or 'I wasn't ready!'

Whilst the 'Power' team did their victory lap, Gracie ran passed Embry, taunting him that they had won and as a typical Embry would, he picked her up over his shoulder spinning her round to make her laugh.

Summer wandered over to Seth, who laughed at Jared and Paul's bickering on why they had lost. "You boys just won't admit how good we were!"

Seth laughed, "You were amazing. Those boys are sore losers."

The two laughed and embraced in a hug, walking arm and arm toward Collin, Gracie and Embry. Summer rested her head against Seth's shoulder as he rubbed circles on her back. This was a life of love she'd dreamed of. A kind of love that feels like home.

Kelsey Chow as Summer Noocati

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Kelsey Chow as Summer Noocati


[ just another short to update what Summer and Seth been doing. Hope you enjoyed it and you never know when I might pop up again with another :)  Don't forget to comment on your favourite parts, vote on your favourite chapters xx ]

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