Chapter 4- Soulmates?

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Jake was, in simpler words, freaking out.

Would his soulmate kill him? What does this mean? Should he expose his identity?

That wasn't as appealing as it sounded.

See, Jake knew the legends of werewolves and rumors of them that the humans made up.

According to some, werewolves could be killed by silver objects, but honestly anyone can be killed by silver if you just hit them hard enough.

According to most, werewolves only changed during the full moon. But the light of the moon is just the Sun's reflected rays. So, a werewolf could change at anytime.

According to teenage story-tellers of romantic werewolf tales, when they changed into a wolf a piece of clothing melts into their wolf body, while the rest rips. Jake never understood this logic. Why would only some clothing melt into the form and some rip?

No, in real life, nothing melts. It all rips. His wolf form is far too big to fit in human clothes and most can understand that.

So, you can see why he doesn't want to metamorphose in front of his soulmate, who seems to be in paralyzing shock atop his steed. He didn't want to freak out the hunter even more with his bare body.

I mean, the hunter's soulmate is a wolf.

That can change into a man.

Note: man.

The reality hit Jake harder than the horse. 

He was...what was it called? Ah, gay. He's heard the word a few times and has seen a gay couple once in the pack when he was young, but they didn't stay very long. Both men were murdered by the hands of hunters before Jack could get to know them better.

He was oblivious to the world of gays. How was he supposed to be one? With a hunter?

In times of need, calm down.

This was surely a time of need, but if he calmed himself down, he would turn into a human. His mother's words of wisdom did not sound so wise at this moment.


His mother always had a way of predicting what is right. She was never wrong. She always had an uncanny ability to foretell the future. Her words were practically answering all of his questions, urging him more and more to change into a human.

So, he took a deep breath and calmed himself.


Derrick saw the wolf coming before it hit straight on with Oliver. The horse gave out an annoyed whine before backing up a few steps and Derrick gripped tightly to his sword.

                "Oh look," he said to no one in particular, " A wolf."

And a wolf it was indeed. This beautiful, yet meddlesome, creature was an Eurasian wolf. Derrick knew this because Eurasian wolves were very common and the rusted caramel fur with little black patches and bits of white gave it away. This is it. His first prey.

His first ti-

Derrick's thoughts were interrupted when two icy eyes looked into his and his feelings rained down on him like a flood of water. His pupils covered his irises in a flurry of emotions and confusion.

And he felt it.

He felt a fuzzy feeling in his chest, a feeling that took his breath away .

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