Chapter 30- A Chat

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(Chapter 30. The story was supposed to end by now...guess what? It's not! Also, I might make this chapter a bit short...I'm having a not-so-happy Valentine's Day.)

"What are you doing here?" the king said lowly and scarily calm. His eyes radiated hate, but his composure was rather chill. Inside, the king was battling with himself, trying his best not to reach out and cut her breathing off with his bare hands. This woman, this beast, had killed his soulmate: the love of his life, his destined, soul-bound lover, his wife, and the mother to his son. 

It took all of the self-control he had to hold back his sudden thirst for revenge.

The woman was older than he had last seen her, but she had aged unfairly well. Last time, she couldn't have been no older than twenty. Now, she looked like a true adult. Her blond locks had whitened, her skin was paler, and her eyes were wise with unseen tragedies. Either she was heartless, or very composed, but she too kept a calm outward appearance. 

As if she had no regrets.

"I have come to talk to my son," she said calmly. Not a word was wavered or nervous. Nothing about her told the king that she was anxious or intimidated. "And your son too."

"Don't you dare go near my son, you witch!" he growled, "How dare you come into my presence? With what audacity do you have, to step foot in my life once again?!"

Edgar didn't know who this woman was, but he had one hand on his sword. He did not like whoever she was. If the king hated her this much, he should have his guard up.

"I need to talk to my son," she begged, "He's angry with me-"

"Have you even told him what you have done to me? To his soulmate?" the king roared, "YOU BROKE MY SON'S HEART."

"I'M SORRY!" she yelled back, her composure broken with impatience, " I'm sorry, okay?! I was foolish and young. I played with fate like a child! You shouldn't have paid for it-no one should have paid for it!"

"But I did! My son and I-we barely know each other- he doesn't talk with anyone anymore! All he has is his cousin and his soulmate! After WHAT YOU DID, that kid, who loved nature, played beautiful music, rode horses every day, sang songs as he skipped around the house- HE'S GONE. YOU DESTROYED MY WIFE, MY LIFE, AND HIM AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS SORRY?"

Rage-filled tears raced over the surface of his face. His body was shaking from the hot anger coursing throughout him- urging him to hurt her, to kill her, to torture her until she felt the pain that he went through when he lost his love.

Tears finally fell on her face now. She looked defeated and guilty. Her lip trembled and her mouth opened multiple times as if she was trying to speak, but couldn't. Finally, she spoke, sniffing her sadness back.

"If-If it makes you feel any better," she said, her voice wobbly, "My soulmate also has just died recently. I n-need to talk to my son. He's grieving, but he is also angry. I want to be there for him. Please, just let me in."

King Rastus just stared at her with narrowed eyes. He knew what it was like to lose his soulmate, so he felt a small pit of pity well up inside him. On the other hand, this woman was the reason he knew what losing a soulmate felt like, so he was still angry.

"I will let you talk to them on three conditions," the King said. The woman nodded for him to continue. 

"One," the king said, "Tell me your name."

"Malia Pierce," she said quickly. The King did not think she would reply so easily, but he didn't care. He wanted to know the name of this killer in case she killed anyone else

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