Chapter 11-Her

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(I swear this song will just amaze you. Listen to it all the way through and you will be just amazed...Or get it stuck in your head for weeks like I did.)

"So, we're going to bed?" Jake raised an eyebrow, watching his soulmate storm angrily from one side of the room to another.

Derrick was angrily gathering sheets and pillows and Jake wondered why. I mean, the prince was a prince. Didn't he have maids and butlers or something to do that stuff?

But then Jake watched Derrick shove the sheets onto the ground and throw the pillow harshly into them. The werewolf had a hunch that the man was just taking his anger out on the duvet.

Derrick then grabbed a handful of white clothes from a nearby drawer, constantly dropping a certain nightshirt and picking up. That made him more frustrated and Jake cringed inwardly as the agitated royal headed towards him. 

Derrick stuffed the clothes into Jake's arms, then disappeared into the bathroom. Jake leaned forward a little staring at the now-shut door, eyebrow still raised, but decided not to say anything. He didn't know why Derrick was so angry...maybe it had to do with the question his father asked him?

Jake sighed, the thought leaving his mind, and turned his attention to the bundle of clothes in his arms.

"I assume these are mine, " Jake said to himself, bunching his lips to the side. He bit his lip and looked around.

Well, since Derrick's in the bathroom, I guess it's okay to change in here, Jake thought.

Please walk in on us, please walk in on us, Jake's inner wolf prayed.

But Jake was soon completely dressed and no Derrick had returned.

Is he okay? Jake wondered.

I mean, there hasn't been any screams or cries for help, so I assume he's okay, Pickle reasoned, GASP. What if he got turned on by you talking about him all sweet? GASP! What if he's-

DON'T! Please, don't finish that sentence. Please, Jake begged, wishing his inner wolf had a filter.

Oh, I won't ~ . But just imagine-

No, Jake interrupted, but that didn't stop Pickle.

Him thinking of you-

STOP! Jake demanded.

Moaning your na-

SHUT UP! Jake mentally screamed.

Jake was feeling warm all over. He had never felt this way and it was freaking him out.

Just be quiet. Please, Jake begged. His confidence was lowered due to the new experience.

Fine. But SOMEBODY'S got to get this show on the road. 'Cause obviously the two HUMANS are either idiots or slowwwww. I want some of my CUTE, SMART kitten, but noooooo, Jake ranted.

Jake sighed out loud and looked around the room, noting how there was no mirrors or pictures hanging on the walls. He looked at the sheets on the floor, assuming they were for him and spread them out. Sure, the floors were hard and uncomfortable, but he's slept in a cave for most of his life.

What's the difference?

Just as Jake was about to lay on his make-shift bed, Derrick came out of the bathroom. The prince was somehow dressed in nightclothes even though Jake didn't see him bring any nightclothes in the bathroom with him. Maybe he already had them laid out?

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