Chapter 19-One Week Later

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(For those who don't read the titles-This time skips one week after Romeo and Juliet)

*For those who don't read authors notes- time skipping one week*

Things were getting suspicious in the Castle of Mac Tire. 

After Jake had kissed Derrick on the cheek without getting killed, the werewolf took upon himself to kiss the prince on the cheek whenever no one was looking. 

Derrick surprisingly didn't care; he was, undoubtedly, warming up to the persistent werewolf-and not just from the sparking little tingles that crawl under his skin when Jake's lips pressed against his cheek. That night, the  prince still didn't allow Jake to sleep in his bed, but had enough heart to fashion him a makeshift bed made out of pillows. Now Jake sleeps more comfortably, even though the werewolf would rather sleep next to his soulmate. Jake took what he got.

Jake started to seem a little antsy every time he went to bed, for he was afraid of receiving another future-telling-curse dream. He spent the nights still wondering who had cursed his mom and why and how. The werewolf didn't even want to sleep; his body was tired but his mind was wide awake.

Derrick noticed that he was losing sleep and wanted to know why, but he felt like it wasn't his business. Plus, he had his own secrets.

Like the attic. Every day, at some random point, Derrick excused himself to go to the attic and wallow in his own problems all alone. Instead of killing Nathan that day, Derrick had fled to his safe spot, wondering why his heart swelled so much when he and Jake were on a date. Then he vehemently denied that it wasn't a date and that it was just a play.  

He knew he was lying to himself.

Jake had asked him everyday where he was going to, what he was doing, and why he couldn't come, but every day Derrick refused to answer his questions, told him to occupy himself, and then left without another word.

Jake wanted to keep asking where he was going, but he knew Derrick would come back eventually; he always did. So, the werewolf just stopped pestering the prince and let him do his thing.

The two soulmates were also starting to feel each other's feelings. Jake now knew that Derrick liked it when he kissed his cheek, he knew when Derrick was afraid, and he could tell any emotion Derrick was feeling just by a certain glint in his eyes.

Derrick had slowly started to feel Jake's feelings too. He knew that Jake loved him, for he could feel it deep inside his own heart. And it freaked him out.

Both had suspicions about the other, but neither of them asked and neither of them answered.

Not only this, but the king was starting to get suspicious too. Sometimes Jake would get a little too close to Derrick to be just friendly. Sometimes the two would stare at each other intently, as if they were having a silent conversation. Sometimes, when Jake was alone King Rastus could hear him talking to himself.

And the king wanted to know what was going on, to the point that he was debating on whether or not to send Mr. Loup to spy on the two.

But while everyone was trying to figure out everybody, David was disappearing and only Nathan seemed to really notice. He knew that Jake and Derrick were in a pickle (heh ironic) but he figured it was just denial or something.

His main concern was David.

The little werewolf would just disappear and not come back for long periods of time, for no apparent reason. At first, Nathan had just assumed that the boy had gotten lost, when low and behold David came strolling out of his temporary bedroom two hours later claiming that he was "fine." Nathan had sworn that David was not in there last he had checked. These disappearing acts were starting to freak Nathan out, and it had only been one week since David was found by Derrick in the woods.

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