Chapter 16- Newcomer

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(Replace 'her' with 'him' and the girl's brother as Derrick's mom and you have Jake as the main character [Nathan is the guy at the end or maybe it's Jeanie?])

"I see," hmm-ed Jeanie, "Are you sure that would work? I mean it's just a date. No biggie."

Nathan sighed and rubbed two hands over his face, "I know."

"It's also kind of stupid," Jeanie continued calmly, "And poorly thought through."

"Thanks, Jeanie," Nathan said sarcastically, "You make me feel so much better."

Nathan had told the king his plan and, though the king suspiciously agreed, Nathan knew it wouldn't work as well as he wanted. The king of Mare then decided to look for Derrick, only to discover his cousin had gone out riding to 'occupy' himself. Nathan knew Derrick needed a breather, so he didn't bother taking a horse out to go looking for him. Nathan then wanted to get to know Jake more, maybe. The young king figured he could have at least got to know the werewolf, but Jake was in the shower and didn't answer when Nathan knocked on the door. So, Nathan looked for Jeanie, dragged her out of the servants' quarters, and settled in a random room with tables and chairs. It resembled a place for maids or servants to eat lunch. It was humble, quiet, and currently empty, except for the two. If anything Nathan noticed about the Castle of Mac Tire, was that, even with the people walking to-and-fro in the hallways, it seemed lonely and empty most of the time.

Anyways, Nathan had told Jeanie about his mission: Operation Lovebirds.

Operation Lovebirds consisted of 3 parts:

Step 1: Mush Jake and Derrick together as much as possible.

Step 2: Repeat 'Step 1' until love is achieved.

Step 3: Sit back and watch the magic happen (possibly in more ways then one).

It was simple.

Except it wasn't.

Derrick was weaker than his soulmate, but Nathan knew that he was definitely not weak. At least, he wasn't with a weapon in his hand. Nathan knew that Derrick had undergone some serious sword training after his mother died. Sure, Nathan or Jake would probably beat him in a fight, but Derrick knew how to hold his own, and Nathan didn't want to receive a black eye because he forced Derrick into doing something he didn't want to do.

This is why he let Jeanie in on his plan.

"I'm just telling you the truth," she shrugged," If you want to go with that plan, go ahead. But I can assure you that they will not go through with it."

Nathan bit his lip, "I know, Jeanie. I know."

"I know you know," she rolled her eyes, "But do you care? Nope! Because you're stupid. Boys in general are stupid."

"You just really love making me feel better about myself, don't you?" Nathan smiled. Jeanie hmm-ed as if she was thinking. Her long fingers drummed rhythmically against her crossed legs.   She then turned to look at Nathan in the eye with those intense, fierce orbs of hers. 

"That's enough about Master Rastus and his soulmate, even though I'm still baffled that it's a guy-" Wait until you find out he's a werewolf, Nathan thought, but kept it to himself. Jeanie continued, "Let's talk about you instead."

Now this Nathan was slightly shocked about. He had never had someone ask him to talk about himself. He always had to simply do it anyways (not like anyone ever cared about what he said). In fact, no one really just sat down to talk to him like Jeanie did. 

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