Chapter 8- Tour of the Castle

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                "Oh my gosh," said Nathan.

Derrick could only stare, but he could agree. 

Jake stood in front of them, just emerging from the bathroom that linked onto Derrick's room.

And before you ask, yes, the castle had plumbing. It wasn't exactly marvelous, but it was better than buckets thrown out onto the streets like the commoners.

That was just too...ew.

Anyways, Jake had just emerged from the bathroom after taking a short shower and changing into some of Derrick's clothes and Derrick was now truly letting himself drink in the appearance of his soulmate. 

Jake had a royal blue, gold-buttoned Victorian tailcoat that came to his knees. The white dress shirt underneath was unbuttoned a few buttons, revealing the line of natural muscle underneath. His pants were almost, surprisingly, a perfect fit.

Nathan picked out the color, claiming that it would "make his eyes pop."

Now, as Derrick stared at Jake, he couldn't help but agree. The deep blue made the werewolf's icy blue eyes look like they were glowing and Jake's black, swooping hair falling in them just wanted Derrick to hug him or something.

Derrick felt his heart twang again from the loss of touch.

Jake felt it too, along with the feeling of eyes staring at him. He smiled kindly, not showing off his beauty but not shy of it either. It made him happy that Derrick was staring at him.

It made Jake feel as if, unlike the facade Derrick was holding up, that the prince was just in denial of his feelings. Jake turned to look at his soulmate and their eyes locked.

RRRrrrrrr, Jake's wolf purred, rolling the r's.

        "So," Nathan said, breaking the stare and bringing the attention to him, "I'll leave you two to figure out your...situations. Jake, you look great! See ya!"

Nathan threw Jake a wink, which made Derrick scowl and Jake cock a brow.

Since it was five in the morning (and since Derrick refused to sleep alongside Jake in case the werewolf tried anything), the three men decided to stay up. However, after Nathan shared his fashion advice, he decided to leave the two soulmates alone. He wouldn't want to intrude on their feud-love-talk?

Whatever it was.

He still didn't have proof that this Jake fellow was a werewolf, but then again he knew Derrick couldn't come up with that kind of supernatural suspicion.

After all, why would he lie?

While Nathan walked to his temporary room, Jake and Derrick faced each other almost eye-to-eye. There was still that faint irritation in the back of Derrick's mind by the height difference between the two. Jake had a couple of inches on him, and it got under his skin. Why did werewolves have to be so...


        "Well," Jake coughed awkwardly and sat down on the prince's bed, "What do you want to do today?"

Derrick snorted. That was too much of a normal question for their situation. Then again, maybe if they acted normal, it would just magically feel normal?

Derrick inwardly snorted this time.

         "What do ...werewolves usually do?" Derrick asked, daring Jake with his eyes to get offended. But of course he just shrugged.

        "We are bored most of the time and we love to run, but we can't go into the woods without orders," he explained.

        "You run for fun?" Derrick said, wrinkling up his nose in distaste.

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