Chapter 28- A Vision Come True

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Jake just stared at his best friend for a while. His eyes searched David's, trying to find a lie in the glossy grey pupil. He just sat there, no emotion on his face-something that rarely happens. The werewolf was always one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He only hid things that damaged his werewolf pride, but other than that, he always expressed how he was feeling.

Until now.

David waited for a response and so did Derrick, but it seemed like Jake was in a trance of shock. Then Jake's eyes glossed over with oncoming tears.

"David," the werewolf pleaded in a wavy voice, "P-Please tell me you're lying." Jake was hanging on a thin thread-one more tug, and he'll snap. Derrick saw the familiar feeling growing in his expression.

And then he felt it. 

Somewhere, deep inside his heart and mind, Derrick felt Jake holding his breath. Derrick felt the werewolf just waiting for David to laugh and say it was a joke. Either that or confirm the worst. He prayed that David would keep his mouth shut and not answer the question. Derrick knew with all of his heart that his soulmate was not going to take this well.

"I-" David hesitated, not wanting to break his best friend's hopes, "I'm n-not. Lying-that is. I'm not l-lying."

That is when Jake let the first tear fall.


"Your mom can explain everything to you," David spewed quickly. The poor Leshy didn't want to hurt any more feelings.

Jake stood up rather calm. He was crying, but silently, as if numb or not fully registering what was going on. 

"Then take me to her," Jake said, then with a stronger, more demanding tone said, "Now."

David nodded, and Derrick watched as they almost exited the room. That is until Jake turned with a frown, tears still streaming down his face, looking straight at Derrick, who was still sitting on the bench.

"You-You're not coming?" Jake asked. He looked heartbroken. No, he was heartbroken. Derrick could feel it deep inside...and it made him heartbroken too.

"I-I thought-" The prince was going to say that he didn't want to intrude in Jake's personal life, but apparently, Jake had other ideas.

The werewolf walked over to where his soulmate was sitting and held out a hand, interrupting the prince's words. The prince looked at the hand apprehensively.

"Please," Jake's voice cracked with emotion, "Help me."

Derrick immediately knew what 'Help me' meant for some reason. Maybe it was the bond that they shared, but as soon as Jake said those words, Derrick knew exactly what to do. Jake needed comfort, and he needed Derrick's help.

And though Derrick could be a grumpy, snappy little prince, he gladly gave Jake his hand and allowed the werewolf to drag him from his place on the bench to the doorway where David stood.

He was going to give his soulmate comfort if that's what his soulmate needed. Jake had never done anything remotely mean to him, so why can't Derrick return the favor this time?

At least, this was his logic. 

As they walked through the halls, their hands remained interlocked, which gained a lot of wide-eyed stares. Jake wasn't afraid to let some of his tears fall while they walked. Derrick wasn't afraid to squeeze the werewolf's hand.

The prince didn't know who this 'Alpha' character was, but their death obviously affected Jake a lot.

He remembered when his dad told him that his mother had died from wolves. He had gone to his room and thrown stuff in pure rage. He took one look in the mirror- at his eyes identical to his mom's- and smashed it with his fist. Not the smartest idea, sure, but he was blinded by raw grief and anger. He remembered falling to the floor, clutching his bleeding fist tightly with tears dropping off his jawline and onto the wounds. He remembered thinking that it wasn't real. That it couldn't be real.

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