Chapter 18-Romeo and Juliet

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(Currently has this song stuck in my head. Also, if I mix the "Derrick"s and "David"s up, please tell me if it is confusing in the comments because I noticed some of that in the last chapter. Sorry if I confused you by mixing up the names.)

The next morning was pretty eventful. Jake slept on the floor, as per usual, yet woke up happy as ever. Especially since he woke up before Derrick and was able to see his cute little kitten in a relaxed slumber.

He couldn't help but coo.

When Derrick woke up, the shower was running and he had assumed that Jake was in it. Planning on taking a shower right after, the prince just laid back down and waited, surprised that Mr. Loup had not barged into his room without permission...again.

Nathan woke up in a surprise after falling out of bed. He had sleepy circles under his eyes from spending all night planning in his mind how he was going to bring up his plan to Derrick and Jake. The young king's hair was unusually scruffy and his demeanor was not as awake or friendly.

He didn't seem like much of a night owl.

David, however, had a peaceful slumber filled with dreams of meeting his soulmate and looking into Nathan's ocean blue eyes. He once questioned how childish he was acting, before brushing it away. Who wouldn't act like a teenage girl around Nathan Vale Drake?

David got dressed in the clothes he wore the day before, since he didn't plan on staying the night and had none to spare.

Now all four were sitting with King Just Rastus at the breakfast table; all with different emotions swimming in their eyes. 

David looked shy and awkward, afraid he was barging in and stealing someone's food. King Rastus seemed like he was looking straight into the little werewolf's soul, pulling out all his secrets, when really, the King was just confused.

He had no clue who David was.

The king glanced at Jake-then at Nathan-then to his son, Derrick-wondering if they noticed the extra person at the table.

None of them seemed to care.

It was then, the king decided to clear his throat.

"Ahem," the four boys looked at him now, "Can any of you explain who this young lad is?"

The three, excluding the new boy, glanced at each other. They faced him and Nathan cleared his throat.

"Well," Nathan started, "This is Jake's best friend."

"Ah," nodded the king, "And does he need shelter too?"

"Yes," Nathan continued," Uh, for reasons."

The King's eyelids dropped dramatically to make him look extremely fed-up.

"For reasons?" he repeated. Nathan nodded. The king sighed, "Well, if he doesn't cause trouble then I guess he could stay."

"Oh, trust me," Jake smiled kindly, "David wouldn't hurt a fly."

The king nodded and continued, "So, what are you four planning to do today?"

Jake smiled brighter, "Well, I was hoping to give David a tour of the-"

"Nope!" Nathan interrupted and gave Derrick and Jake a big smile, "I have plans to give David a tour today! Plus, you guys already have plans today too!"

Derrick and Jake give each other a curious glance before looking back at Nathan with extremely confused faces.

"What do you mean?" Derrick asked.

"I mean," Nathan said, taking in a deep breath, "I got you two tickets to the newest play in the theater-and today is when you are going. No buts, nuts, or coconuts! You have to go. You two need to strengthen your-"Nathan glanced at the king cautiously-" Friendship."

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