Chapter 33- Into the Dark Again

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(another update for you!!! Please comment, I love seeing you guys<33333 Makes my day! Also, QUEEEEENNN who doesn't like Queen, like honestly?)

"So, you mentioned being able to read the future," Derrick said after breakfast. Now everybody was in the living room, goofing around. Derrick examined his cousin on the couch across from him, who was with David. Nathan thought he was so subtle with that arm around the back of the couch, right behind David's back. "What's all of that about?"

"Well," Jake said, "According to my mom, she was cursed with the ability to see into the future when she was young and that curse has transferred to me."

"Do you think the curse would transfer to our children?" Derrick asked, and then immediately put a hand over his mouth with wide eyes, "I-I mean, when we have children- I mean IF w-we have children...nevermind- just ignore that."

Jake smiled brightly and pulled Derrick closer to him, nuzzling against his neck.

"I don't know," Jake said into the bottom of his jaw, " I guess we'll have to find out when we have children."

"When?" Derrick whispered as Jake put a kiss on Derrick's collarbone. 

"I'm your soulmate, Derrick," Jake said, smiling into his skin, " We aren't going to be apart ever, ever in our lives from now on. So, yes. When we have children, we'll just have to find out. But, I doubt it will happen. We will have to adopt, so it won't be biological."

"Can we stop talking about this?"Derrick whispered, hoping Nathan was too busy staring at David to pay attention to their conversation. "Isn't it too soon?"

"Nope," Jake denied, "It's good to talk about the future before it happens, that way we can be more prepared for it. No matter how embarrassing or daunting it is."

"Okay. Let's talk about this upcoming war then," Derrick huffed. Jake groaned. Derrick had been wanting to bring up the war with the Aswangs for a while because he was worried about Jake. And, even though Jake had reassured him that everything was going to be fine, Derrick still brought it up occasionally.

Humor him, Jakey-poo, Pickle said, Our little kitten is just worried about us. Isn't he just the cutest when he's caring about our well being? Look at those big green eyes! Don't tell me you can resist them!

They are death-glaring me right now, Jake said, They're scary.

Pshh, they are as scary as a cute little kitten's when they try to pick fights with yarn balls. Pawing at balls, Jake! Pickle paused, That sentence could have a double meaning. See, even more proof that he's a kitten!

Derrick doesn't paw at balls, Pickle! Jake defended.

Not yet~ Pickle suggested.

I swear I have the weirdest conversations with you, Jake replied quickly

"What's wrong?" Derrick asked, snapping him out of his thoughts, "Why are you blushing?"

"Pickle," Jake explained, "He's very...inappropriate when he talks about you."

"What does he say?" Derrick asked curiously, wanting to know what Pickle said about him.

"You...don't want to know," Jake said, "Just trust me."

"What's it like to have a second voice in your head?" David asked from the other couch. Oops, Jake forgot other people were in the room for a minute. "My Leshy just grunts, and that's very rare."

"Sometimes, it's great. You always have someone in your head that knows all your problems and is there to help you solve them. You always have someone to rant to and someone who knows how you're feeling," Jake switched gears, "But, sometimes they can be annoying with their inappropriate and sexual comments, putting weird thoughts into your head, and not shutting up."

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