Chapter 27- Tell Him

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Derrick didn't have a fun time waking up. 

First, he felt hot breath on his face. It was a bit alarming until he reminded himself that JAke was in the same bed as him. He continued to think that it was just Jake's breath, and though, a little frightened from the idea of Jake being that close to him, he was reassured. Until that is, he got a whiff of what the hot breath smelled like.

It smelled like an animal's breath. Like a dog's.

Slowly, Derrick blinked his sleepy eyes open and tried to register what was going on. He was still a little ditzy from just waking up, but he tried his hardest to focus his blurry vision on what was right in front of his face.

His vision still obscured, Derrick tiredly investigated the problem.

And, what do you know? 

The reason the mysterious breath smelled like an animal's was because it belonged to an animal.

A wolf, to be exact.

Derrick's sleepy mindset immediately panicked. He had always registered wolves as bad. The prince had never scrambled out of his bed faster in his life; his tired brain, for a spilt-second, forgot that his soulmate was a werewolf, and his heartbeat shot up quicker than lightning.

He stood, holding his blanket like a frightened child, eyes blinking with confusion, not completely registering what was going on. But that little scare woke him up enough to now understand how a wolf ended up in his bed.

"What the hell?" he asked the wolf, still asleep on the bed," When did you change into a wolf? What if my dad saw you?!"

Jake's eyes or Pickle's-Derrick wasn't sure- blinked open from the noise. His heightened hearing made it easy for the werewolf to wake up to noises. Jake was usually used to it, but he was not used to Derrick whisper-screaming at him before he could process everything. The werewolf went to ask "What's wrong?" but noticed that he couldn't speak, and that's when he realized the problem.

After the many nights of being stressed about his future-telling curse, he had finally had a calm night of sleep, slumbering next to his beloved soulmate. It must have calmed him down to the point he had changed into his wolf.

So, he quickly changed back.

"Sorry!" he apologized once he had morphed back into a human. As a wolf, he took up three-quarters of the bed, but as a human, Jake had shrunk slightly; now, he only took up half. His soulmate stood beside the bed pouting like an offended three-year-old and clutching a small corner of his blanket in his hands. In that moment, Jake decided that his soulmate never looked more vulnerable. 

Derrick looked at his soulmate and sighed in frustration. He could barely get mad at Jake now-ever since yesterday when he accepted Jake as his soulmate. And that kind of aggravated him. Everything aggravated him.

"Sorry," Jake repeated, "I didn't mean to scare you. Come back to bed, if you want. You look tired." 

Tempting. Derrick was still tired, but he also realized that Jake had no clothes on under those bed sheets. He was not ready for that.

"Uh...not until you put some clothes on," he huffed. Jake blushed and looked down at the blanket that was covering him barely. The werewolf knew the night clothes he was wearing when he went to sleep were probably torn to shreds. And now he was at a standstill, unable to move from the bed. Sure, Derrick had already technically seen Jake without clothes on-but that was before Derrick accepted him as a soulmate. In fact, that was before Derrick even liked him.

"Can you hand me some?" Jake said. If he tried to get up, Derrick would witness more than he should.

You idiot! Pickle chided in his brain, That was the perfect moment to 'accidentally' show off your body, and you ruined it!

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