Chapter 15- Dream

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(I don't know how good this chapter is going to be. Let's just say, do not drink a triple chocolate frappuccino at 11 o'clock at night.)


Jake was fully in control of his dreams right now, yet that didn't stop him from dreaming about Derrick. They were in a field, it looked like. A field of flowers.

Jake knew it was a dream, for it was winter now in the real world, and in this dream, it was an almost-summer spring.

Derrick had been smiling that small smile of his for minutes on end, sitting beside him as they basked in the comfortable Sun. The prince seemed out of his element: happy, relaxed, in love. Jake awed silently, watching and wishing that Derrick was this carefree around him in real life.

"Jake," Fake Derrick said again, laughing a little. Jake stared at his soulmate's mouth for a second; he wanted to hear him laugh again. "What are you staring at, Puppy?"

Puppy? thought Jake.

Dream Derrick leaned in and nudged Jake with his shoulder, smiling. "Come on, tell me. Am I really that interesting?"

"Yes," Jake answered immediately, causing Fake Derrick to blush a bit. But, instead of growling an insult like real Derrick would have done, Dream Derrick leaned in a little closer.

"So sweet," mused Dream Derrick, "I bet those lips are just as delicious."

Jake felt something stirring in his stomach-a mixture of uneasy-ness and nerves...and just a tad bit of excitement.

"Derrick..." Jake hesitated as Derrick got closer. Jake wanted to kiss Derrick absolutely, but he did not want their first kiss to be in a dream. Jake also had a feeling that something...

Something was off.

Derrick got really close, their noses touching by the tips. The fake prince leaned in and touched their fore heads together.

But something wasn't right. Jake didn't feel warm tingles; he didn't feel happy. He felt panicked- a bit rushed. Like something bad was about to happen. It didn't help that Fake Derrick had an almost evil look in his pale-green eyes, the look of a player trying to seduce his innocent prey.

"Don't you want to kiss me?" Derrick purred, with half-closed eyes. Jake was frozen. Derrick had slithered his hand to the back of the werewolf's head, gripping the boy's hair in a tight vise-like hold. Jake knew- he felt- he wasn't in control of his own dream anymore and that scared him.

Anything could happen in a dream when you are not in control.

Fake Derrick was still close, waiting on his answer. Jake breathed in a deep breath of air to calm himself, for it wouldn't do any good for him to freak out. However, when the air passed through his nose, he smelled something strange. When he first hugged Derrick, Jake noted that the real prince smelled of herbs, roses, and apples. A nice, spring-y scent that drove him wild.

This Derrick smelled like burnt leaves and smoke, like a wildfire on the loose.

And as soon as Jake realized this, the whole scene changed.

Suddenly, the werewolf was standing in a war zone. Explosions cracked with giant plumes of flames at every second, one exploding very close to where he stood. Fake Derrick was gone from his arms. Everyone seemed to be gone, yet the explosions still commenced. Arrows were stuck into the ground; some where laying on the burnt grass with bloodstains gracing the tip.  A few swords were carelessly thrown to the earth, yet some were strangely bent. Flames from the continuous explosions columned into fires taller than him- until he was practically surrounded by a wall of deadly fire. 

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