Chapter 20-Hidden Enemies

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Another female warrior-if you could even call it human- was standing in front of a throne of thorns in a sickly swamp.

Her throne of thorns.

Sitting upon the throne was she, the grotesque monster with stark-white skin and sharp, pointed teeth. She stroked her python, Filip's, head with admiration, aware that there was a weaker woman in her presence waiting for her attention.

She only had one question for the female warrior.

"The Alpha's son..." she drawled, "Is he dead yet?"

The female warrior hesitated when she spoke, which drew the monster's gaze off of her pet snake. The weaker woman stood silently.

"Well?" snarled she, "Is he?!"

The female below her replied with a weak, "N-No, m'lady."

"What do you mean, 'No?!'" snapped the lady on the throne, "He doesn't even know we exist! How is he not dead yet?!"

"There-There is a Shifter there who knows. He keeps warding us off- defending the castle," the female warrior reported, "We can't get through."

The woman on the throne grasped her own chin and stared for a moment in thought. Then, it hit her.

"That dam Leshy...He'll be the next to die," she swore before turning back to the warrior, "Get past the defenses, the boy already has the power to see the future- he might see us in it. And keep feeding on the kingdom. Lure them out if you have to."

The female nodded and the woman on the throne gave a wave of dismissal. As the female warrior left, the woman on the throne turned to her pet.

"Oh, Filip. People keep wanting to get in the way of our plans. Don't worry though, love, " hissed the woman quietly to her snake, "Once the Alpha's son is dead, anyone can take his place."

"And that person..." she hmmed, sliding a finger under the snake's chin, "Will be us."


"Yes, Father," he said, "This is Jake soulmate."

The room was silent and tense. The king just stood there, looking at his son in disbelief. He would have never thought that his son would keep his soulmate a secret. Especially a secret from him. 

Nor did he imagine his son's soulmate would be male, but, when it came to his son, the king didn't know what to think of that.

He never really had a view on homosexuality.

He would decide to think about it later.

"Son, why-" the king asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Derrick's mouth moved but no words seemed to come out, until finally, Derrick stuttered out, "I-I don't-so wait. You-You're okay with this?" The prince gestured to Jake and then back to himself very quickly with wide eyes.

"Okay with what?" the king asked, wanting to hear Derrick say it one more time. Derrick looked at Jake for a second, before looking back at his stone-faced father, who seemingly had no emotions on the outside.

"With me-" he pointed to himself-"and hi-him-" he pointed to Jake, "Being soulmates?" The prince winced when he said it a second time.

He didn't want to make it seem like he was perfectly fine with the idea of having a soulmate either, but over the last week it was hard to avoid his feelings for Jake. All the kisses he had received on the cheek were not only allowed now, they were welcomed. This would've freaked Derrick out, but the prince knew he should have known better.

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