Chapter 36- The Beginning

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(I'm really dreading writing this war, mainly because fight scenes are not my thing. But I'll push through it. Also, I have this song stuck in my head???)

It was the day after David's birthday and the atmosphere had turned from light-hearted to deadly serious. That morning was the beginning of a war with no foreseeable outcome: the war with the Aswangs. King Just woke up extremely early- three o'clock- to Edgar whispering something about another man dying last night from an Aswang attack. And about how the same bloody words that were on the wall of his home were found there as well. 

Yes, Edgar knew about the Aswangs. As the king's go-to person (and because he's always standing outside the door, eavesdropping), Edgar eventually found out. David had relayed the basics: there were Aswangs killing people, and it was either start a war or they give up Jake to the same monsters who had the audacity to kill a child.

There was no way that Derrick would allow such a thing, and the king would never think of hurting his son like that.

So, he's now starting a war at three o'clock in the morning.

The question is: How?

Normally, if he were to start a war, he would send a letter declaring battle at so-and-so time and at so-and-so place. But how do you contact an Aswang in such way? He sat there, staring at his ink-tipped quill and paper, wondering this to himself, before he felt an extremely large hand clap down on his shoulder.

The king could not deny that he jumped a little bit.

"Calm down, your majesty," Edgar said, making his calloused thumb rub soothingly into the king's shoulder, "It is just me." Edgar looked at the king's empty piece of paper."What are you going to say to those monsters? Perhaps, instead of declaring war, we just start one. Find them, sneak up on them, surprise them- and hey, if they fight back, we will too."

"That will give us less time to prepare...We have to at least declare war today, so no more people die," the king reasoned.

"But we need to use our advantage of surprise before they use it against us," Edgar explained, before wrapping his arms around the king's neck from behind, "Listen, you look exhausted," he said into the king's ear, "How about you go back to sleep, and we'll ask David what he thinks about it during breakfast? All you need right now is rest."

"But Edgar, where are we going to get the funds to provide supplies for a war like this? How do we even kill those mythical creatures? What if they have powers, how will we fight them then?" the king worried, "I'm sure no ally of mine would believe we are holding a war against monsters of myth."

"Just relax, your majesty," Edgar said soothingly, his deep voice rumbling softly, "You can ask David these questions later." Edgar walked the king over to his bed, and the king lied down whilst sighing. Snuggled under the covers, the king looked up at Edgar like a child waiting for a good night's kiss.

More like a good knight's kiss.

"And what about my son?" the king questioned Edgar, "Surely he will want to fight in the war, as stubborn as he is. Should I let him? What if he gets hurt? I can't lose him too.."

"Don't worry, your majesty," Edgar said, slicking back a lock of the king's hair behind the king's ear as his eyes flickered with sleep, "I will make sure he's safe."

King Just would have replied, if he wasn't already sleeping. It amazed Edgar sometimes how swiftly and soundly King Just could fall asleep. But he liked it, especially in times like these, where he can just give the king a small peck on the forehead, and nobody would notice.

And in times like these, he just felt it was needed.

He just hoped that a kiss on the forehead without consent wasn't considered rape.

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