Chapter 14- Nathan's Plan

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( I have had this song stuck in my head for a week. Enjoy!!)

Nathan has had enough of Derrick denying his feelings. If he was the prince, he would have swooped his soulmate off their feet and kissed them until no tomorrow. The king imagined that Jake would also probably do the same if Derrick allowed him to.

The problem was: Derrick didn't allow him to.

So, as Derrick and Jake went to the gardens, Nathan sat in the Solar room, which was basically a living room or a sitting room, and tried to devise a plan.

If only he had Pickle in his head. They would make a great team.

However, Pickle was pretty much on the field, constantly getting Jake riled up with thoughts of Derrick.

Nathan felt like it was his duty to get Derrick on board.

He had sat there for a full forty-five minutes, before almost giving up.

Then he realized: why was he sitting and creating a plan for his crush to get together with his soulmate?

Wasn't he supposed to be the evil one in this situation? In the VERY few books he's read, the evil character was always after one of three things: revenge, power, or the person was just extremely jelly.

So, why didn't he feel jealous?

Then he had a hopeful thought.

Maybe it was because his soulmate was still alive? What if-What if it was because they were near?


His heart warmed at the thought. The king looked around just in case, naive and desperate. The silent room was empty. All he could hear was his own heart beating fast, as if he had ran a marathon. Which he did, metaphorically, always running after love, as cheesy as it sounds. He was an affectionate guy, therefore he craved affection. And being here alone-it made him feel worse.

No, no. This isn't about you, he thought, this is about Derrick.

Right. Derrick.

Nathan explored ideas of what he could possibly do to bring the two closer. Obviously, the soulmate bond was making them get a bit closer everyday. Nathan knew this; he had studied up on soulmates pretty much everyday at his castle. But Nathan wanted it to happen faster. He wanted Derrick-and Jake too- to enjoy what he never received as soon as possible.

He couldn't see why they couldn't just accept it. He would jump onto the chance if he could.

Then it hit him like a brick to Jason's face. 

Nathan leaped up from the chair he was previously sitting in with sudden revelation; he knew exactly what he could do, but he needed some dough to do it.

The king exited the room and walked swiftly down the hall, not really knowing where he was going, but turning down the hallways that looked familiar. 

See, there was two ways you could get someone together. At least, in Nathan's mind there was.

One was: let them figure it out on their own that they were perfect for each other. Let them slowly develop their feelings and figure out what they felt about the other person. Then, after weeks and weeks and perhaps months, they will get together!

Or,  you could throw them to the sharks or create a situation where they can't stay away from each other. Lock them in a room together. Make it to where they have to sleep in the same room-or even bed. Make sexual comments about their "friendship" as much as possible. Get them blushing and alone and then BAM. Three to four days and you're set.

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