Chapter 21- Visions

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(21!! The magic number!!! Also, I meant to get this finished and updated by Thanksgiving, but then I had to watch three-year-olds and now I'm sick. So, if you see any mistakes please tell me because my concentration is zero.)

"Call me crazy again, and I might just tattoo something vulgar on your face in your sleep,"Jeanie threatened, "Or maybe I should just write, 'I'm in love with David' in big bold letters."

"Why would you do that?!" Nathan asked, gesturing his hands everywhere.

"Because you're too chicken to say it out loud," Jeanie huffed, crossing her arms.

"I am not in love with David," stressed Nathan.

"See? Point proven," she accused, "You fail to see that you make heart eyes every time you stare at him like a creeper. Well, put mud on your eyes and call me Jesus 'cause I'm gonna hafta make the blind see."

"We're getting off topic," Nathan pointed out, trying to change the subject away from the small, pale boy with constantly blushing cheeks, "Vampires don't exist, Jeanie. The just doesn't happen."

Jeanie looked a little angry. Nathan was obviously keeping something from her and she didn't like it. He was usually open-minded, but all of the sudden he had shut down, calling her crazy and dismissing her claims, as if he was actually there in that alley with her.

But Jeanie was one who could read people very well and, for some reason, she suspected that Nathan believed her more than he let on.

"Well, then how do you explain Miss bloodsucking Sarah, huh? And the dead body? The fact that my even-crazier crazy ex disappeared into thin air? In case you didn't know, humans don't do that," Jeanie rolled her eyes and huffed again, "Unless you need a date, then everybody vanishes."

"Does that mean David isn't human? Because he seems to disappear all of the time," Nathan pouted before realizing:

Oh right. David really isn't a human. He's a werewolf.

He almost facepalmed himself.

Nathan and Jeanie were, again, sitting at a round table in the empty room where servants ate. It had gone unsaid that it was their little meet-up spot now. The tattooed girl had brought a table cloth to lay over the table and a vase for flowers to make it look fancy, but since it was winter, the two didn't have any flowers to put in it, and the vase was now filled with melting snow and some wet sticks. Jeanie said it was "rustic" and Nathan had just shrugged his shoulders. Also on the table was a note written by Jeanie claiming the table as theirs, and if anyone dared to sit at the table, they would be "royally executed by Jeanie Katz, Queen of Tattoos and Lesbians."

Nathan couldn't help but chuckle at her child-like nature when he saw that. 

Then Jeanie brought up her encounter with her crazy ex, Sarah, in an alley the day before.

Nathan, at first, thought she was crazy, but then she mentioned vampires...and holy mother of monkey muffins, it hit him.

It is common knowledge that werewolves and vampires are the worst of enemies. Nathan knew this from stories and legends...heck, ask someone off the street and they would agree with you! As she kept talking, the pieces in his mind started to connect. 

People being attacked in the streets with humanoid bite marks, without any trace. 

Derrick had always hated wolves, everyone knew that, even if they didn't know why. 

Where there vampires out there trying to frame the werewolves using Derrick's hatred for them?

"Say I believe you," Nathan said to Jeanie, who raised a brow at the start of his hypothetical situation, "Would you believe werewolves exist too?"

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