Chapter 34- Bad Dreams

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(I didn't edit this because I was too tired...If you see mistakes please tell me cause I'm editing tomorrow)

Jake had tears streaming down his face when he woke up from the vision. Before he could even see the light through the darkness, tears gathered in his eyes. He heard Derrick speaking but he didn't really hear what Derrick was saying. All of it was a massive blur of disbelief and the strong urge to break promises and fight against fate.

It shouldn't have been a vision- It couldn't have been a vision. He wouldn't allow it, never. Not in his dreams, not in his right mind. His mother could go cry to herself afterward, but he refused to let it happen. Nothing could convince him otherwise.

And then Derrick's face came into focused, worried and confused, and that's when Jake broke. He wrapped his arms clumsily around Derrick and squeezed his prince as hard as he could. He squeezed as if he hadn't seen his soulmate in years, but in reality, Jake had only passed out for a few hours.

"Jake?" Derrick said, his voice finally coming into focus, "Jake, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I had a vision, I think," the werewolf said, closing his eyes and praying his vision would start up again, except have a happy ending.

"What was it about?" Derrick asked, " Why are you crying?"

"I think it was about the war," Jake mumbled, his lip trembling. He still couldn't see Derrick's face, because his face was buried into Derrick's shoulder, but seeing his soulmate's face would make him cry more.

"What's wrong? Do we lose?"Derrick asked, "Is that why you're crying?"

"N-No. I don't know if we win or lose," Jake said, before whining like an injured puppy, "Mom was right. This is a curse. I hate it."

"Baby, what happened?" Derrick said, using calm words and a nickname to persuade Jake into telling him what was wrong. It had helped some when he was mourning for his dad, but now it hurt more than ever.

"I-I can't say. You'll be afraid. I'll be sad. It'll be awful," Jake said, "You might as well give me to the Aswangs before I do it myself."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Derrick said, grabbing Jake's face from his shoulder and forcing Jake to look in his eyes, " Tell me, right now, or I'll make you tell me."

"How are you going to make me-"

Before Jake could finish his sentence Derrick slammed his lips onto Jake's, making the werewolf do a mental double-take. What? Was this the same Derrick as the one before he passed out? He had never felt Derrick take the initiative on affection like that before, but Jake decided to stop questioning it and just roll with it.

Hey, if Derrick wanted kisses, he would not object.

Instead, the werewolf kissed with way more meaning. The vision he had made him realize how precious this man is in his life. How heartbroken he would be if his man left his life. He kissed Derrick as if it was his first kiss and his last, kissed him as if...he would never see him again. He even deepened the kiss at the end a little, pulling his kitten into his lap, before pulling away. He could feel his more dominant side begging to take over, but he ignored it. Neither he nor Derrick was ready for that yet.

Especially after that vision.

He wanted so badly to talk to his mom about it.

After the vision was over, his mother visited his dream like she always did. Instead of being engulfed in flames or sitting on a sofa, she was in the black of pitch dark, holding onto his shoulders and looking seriously into his eyes.

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