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Again none of this is cannon~

Author: Welcome back everyone!

Now you may have noticed that David didn't have any questions...

That's because they are all here!

-Why did David hide the fact that he was a Leshy?

David: Oh, that's simple. I was ordered to.

Jake: By who?

David: Your Dad...

-Are there more [leshiye]?

David: Actually, yes. There are many forests in the world that need to be guarded.  I can't protect all of them. However, some Leshy are not very nice.

-Why hasn't Jake seen David shift?

David: He's seen me shift into a wolf, but thats it. It's how I kept up my identity for so long.

Jake: Hmmmm that explains so much. 

-Did Jake's mother know of David being a Leshy?

David: Yes, she did. Soulmates can not lie to each other very easily, so she eventually found out about her husband leading the Shifters.

Author: Also, for the following questions, everyone but David will be put in another room. Especially Jake.

Jake: WHY?!

Author: Reasons. *Stuffs every character into another room*

-Jake's dad is dead so doesn't that mean that Jake is now Alpha and leader of the shapeshifters?

Author: Yes, but Jake doesn't know it yet.

David: As long as the ruler of the Shifters has a child, that child will be the next leader. However, If they don't have a child to take over, the crown gets handed to the next best shapeshifter for the job. The Aswang queen wants to kill Jake, the successor, so that she can steal the crown with her Aswang army.

-Does Jake know his dad is dead?

Author: Nope.

David: Not even a suspicion. 

David: But eventually I'll have to tell him.

Wish me luck.

-Does that mean that David is stronger than other shapeshifters if he's the guardian?

David: *beathes* I knew I'd have to explain this at some point, but I was dreading it.

Author: Okey Dokey here we go *Digs through notes*

David: The Shifters is divided into four classes. Each class is for a different type of shapeshifter.

Class Number One : Lycanthropes. Lycanthropes are the leaders, in this case, the werewolves. When a shapeshifter takes over the crown, they can change the name of this class. The werewolves chose "Lycanthropes" as a name because it is named after the first werewolf to ever exist, Lycan (From Greek/Roman Mythology).

Class Number Two: Metamorphs. Metamorphs are the guardians. Not just of the forest either. This group can include guardians of anything or warriors of any kind. This group is usually the Shifter's defense or military.

Class Number Three: Titanmetis. Titanmetis is a class full of the rarest shapeshifters. These shapeshifters are not often heard of in legends, but they exist. They are usually advisers and sometimes a great help when it comes to fighting.

Class Number Four: Therianthropy. The shifters who belong in this group go along their daily lives and usually do not get involved with humans or Aswangs or any disputes. In this group are the more popular, yet passive, shapeshifters. This includes vampires, who'd rather live alone doing their own business than belong to a group or a pack .

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