Chapter Twenty-Three: To Have and To Hold

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Elope with Me

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Elope with Me


The wind roars, kicking up snowflakes and frost that twirl in its unyielding grasp. The mighty snowstorm tears through trees and underbrush. Many Pokémon have since taken shelter in their underground dens, but for one abnormally small Leafeon, an unimpressive cove is her shelter. It's out and the middle of nowhere, and not even those who live in this region are aware of its existence.

     Another icy gust of wind blows through the entrance. Leafeon's three-layered coat does little to shield against it. "I never thought I'd want to see Prince again," she mumbles to herself. If he's gone any longer, she might just turn into an icicle. The cold has done just that to her glasses, not that they helped much with the wind tossing her leaf in her eyes. She ultimately regrets wanting the Charizard to return when he arrives.

     "You said you wanted to help her." He drops Nightshade in the snow then gazes at Leafeon. "Now's your chance." The grass-type sets a white paw into the blanket of snow, watching as it completely swallows her leg. She draws it back, shaking clumps of snow from her feathered fur. Prince makes a sound she can pinpoint as annoyance. He lifts Nightshade and strides inside. Leafeon is quick to get out of his way. He doesn't look at her when he passes, nor when he sets the Salazzle down.

     Prince has never been one Leafeon is particularly fearful of. The only interactions they had when she was younger were brief mentions of 'Nightshade's friend' or 'that little Eevee'. From the way Nightshade spoke of him, she made him sound like some kind of hero who was always there to take care of her. Even then, Leafeon could never see where she was getting that from.

     Though now, seeing him does make her heart beat a little quicker. He did almost kill her for talking back. Regardless of that, Nightshade still chose him over her. After everything they went through, after getting so close, she threw all the progress away for some lofty Charizard her kid doesn't even like.

     Leafeon dares to look over her shoulder. Prince is making Nightshade a nest. Out of all the bedding Leafeon and her mother took days to find. That's just fantastic. The Verdant Pokémon is swift to discard her discontent. It's not for Prince, it's for Nightshade. Unless, of course, Prince decides to sleep with her. Leafeon grimaces at the thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she catches the flickering flame on his tail. Is it so cold that a fire-type can't stay out for long?

          "Do you need something?" The Charizard's frigid gaze meets hers. Leafeon's fur stands on end and she turns back to the storm outside, trying to quell her anxiousness. The ground rumbles as Prince makes his way over to her. "I have to find Gatsby. Don't worry, I won't be gone for long."

     Leafeon would gladly let him go back into the storm. He'd be dead in hours. But what she doesn't want is Nightshade to get more depressed than she already is. "Be careful," is Leafeon's half-hearted response. She hasn't the slightest inkling who Gatsby is, but she hopes it takes Prince a while to find him.

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