Chapter Thirty-One: Operation: Jailbreak

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In Victorian times,
Eupatorium symbolized delay 

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'Dear Diary,

     You know that silly saying? The one about love being the most powerful thing in the world? As cheesy as it is, I think there's some truth to it. Love makes you stupid. Really, really stupid. If the pretty girl you've had a crush on since fifth grade told you to go skydiving with her because her boyfriend was too scared, you'd go. Love makes you stupid in the cute way. Your first crush, your first kiss, all of it is awkward but cute. You're just a couple of dumb kids that think each other look nice. Hearing his voice, seeing her smile, it's all so cute, isn't it? It's really no wonder why everyone likes the feeling of being in love. Of course, 'being in love' and 'love' are two totally different things. I think...     

     I don't actually know what love is. I thought I did. Everyone knows what love is, like, the fairytale easy love. Nobody wants to talk about the messy side of it. Not the fights or the breakups, not that. The bad side. The love that's built on lies.

     When I was younger, I really wanted to live in a big castle with a handsome prince. Every little girl wants to marry a prince, but

     I should stop whining. All these entries have been is whining. I mean, I have everything anyone could ever want. I have a family that loves me, I have friends that care about me, I have a kingdom filled with Pokémon that love me. All I have to do is ask for something and I get it. Life is easy. I never have to worry about anything. Pokémon have been through much worse things than I have. But they don't have anyone to help them. They're called liars and are ignored. Mocked and cast out.

     He's not as bad as everyone thinks. They blow things out of proportion because they're not used to bad things happening. I'm not I'm not I'm not stupid. I know what abuse is. Seems like the only ones that don't is that entire Clan—but that's something else (I'll write about it later...maybe). Nobody knows everything...except Kapua, but he's just a child. He's very biased. Which is kind of my fault, but I can write about that later. (Note to self: I know you're bad at talking to your son, but maybe you should try and fix the problems instead of pushing them away. He likes ice cream. Give him some ice cream when he comes back from school.)

     I used to tell Holly that she shouldn't stay with someone that treats her badly. I of course, went into more detail then, but I don't have twenty years to explain all of it. The point is that I said that. Me. She didn't hear that from anyone else that I know of. Anyway, the point is—I have to ask a quick question: Why would I stay with someone that goes against what I taught her?

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