Chapter Twenty-Seven: Under Lock and Key {Part One}

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In Victorian times, passionflower symbolized faith

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In Victorian times, passionflower symbolized faith


Nightshade's return to the volcano was a bumpy one. Everyone was obviously overjoyed to see her, but that blithe faded once they saw the ring around her neck. Violet didn't take it very well. At all. The worst possible thing that could have happened, happened.

     She cried.

     Until her voice left her, and all her tears were gone. Nothing Nightshade said or did could ease her pain. After about two days, Juniper had forced her to stop fretting over her sister, thus leaving Nightshade to her more mundane tasks. Though, she wasn't complaining. Anything was better than dealing with Kahaulani and her crew. It's like they just forgot about the whole four days thing.

     Her main priority was caring for Kapua, who insisted he was perfectly fine despite the fact he was stumbling around anytime he got up and walked. Though, that eventually went away after a few hours. Atticus said he was lucky to get away with the minor injuries he had. Then there was the topic of his wing. Along with being broken, it looked as though it was rotting away. The membrane of the wing had holes in it, most were small, but a select few were rather large.

     Not even Atticus could figure out what was happening, and the wing was showing no signs of healing at this point. Nightshade was just happy that it wasn't causing Kapua any discomfort. When she wasn't worrying about her kids, she was off worrying about someone else's kids.

     Living with Charizard has its perks, but it doesn't come without some hard work. Every year, a new batch of Charmander are born. But Charmander don't stay as cute little lizards forever. Eventually, they evolve and must be taught how to fly and fight in the skies. Before Nightshade evolved, it was Violet's duty to teach them what they would have to do if the kingdom was ever attacked. While the Charizard do most, if not all, of the fighting, the Salandit are still required to learn some defensive techniques while in the air before a Charizard can bring them safely to the ground.

     Prince was the one that taught them all how to fight.

     But since Prince is gone, and Violet is in no condition to do...anything, all those tasks have been shifted to Nightshade. And Hollie, but mostly Nightshade. It only took two weeks of boring work for something interesting to happen. What a life.

     The fledgling class as they call it is rather small this year. There are only four Charizard and an equal number of four Salandit. Usually, the class consists of at least eight Charizard and eight Salandit. Nightshade has a sneaking suspicion that the class was made smaller to make up for this being her first time. Like she doesn't know how to watch over a bunch of kids at once.

     Nightshade paired them up the day prior. The way this works is with first impressions. The Charizard and Salandit that are in this class are young, ranging from ages seven to ten. Them being kids, they can't just ask them a bunch of random, stupid, boring questions. So, that leaves it up to good old first impressions. All of the Charizard and Salandit spend a day together and it's Violet's, now Nightshade's, job to pair them together based on their personalities and interests.

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