⇷ twenty three ⇸

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She was woken up by laughing from downstairs. She frowned, blinking away the sleep from her eyes. Her head felt like a rock which happened after anxiety attacks. She let her body relax and waited if anyone was going to come up. She really didn't want to get up.

Soon enough, she heard someone by the door, knocking. "Come in," she croaked out.

Jake popped his head in and smiled, "Taking a nap?"

"Woke up just now."

He fully came in, sitting at the edge of the bed. "How was shopping?"

"Fine." she gasped. "I left the stuff in the car! Oh well."

He chuckled, "She'll be here tomorrow. Are you hungry?"

"Not really."

"Not even for ice cream?" he bargained.

"What kind of ice cream?"


"Yes." He smiled, standing. He put his hand out to help her up and she gladly used it. Like always, there was the warmth that spread from her hand to the rest of her body. She leaned into him and he held her close.

"Are you doing alright? You feel.. Off?"

Delilah smiled, kissing his cheek. "It's nothing."

He stared into her blue eyes, searching. "You know that I'm here for you. I won't run, no matter what."

She put her head down, biting her lips. "I know."

"Whenever you're ready. Let's go get that ice cream."

He led her, not to the front door, but the back door. When he opened the door, her mouth popped open. The backyard was covered in fairy lights that illuminated it in a soft glow. In the middle of the green grass, was a blanket that was topped with big pillows and blankets. Next to it was a large curtain that was hanging from poles. It looked magical.

She felt his hand go under her chin and close her mouth. He chuckled, "Do you like it?"

She shook her head, "No, I love it. This is amazing!" She looked at him and he looked so proud. "You did this all by yourself?"

"No, my brothers and Danny helped." He pulled her with him and sat on the soft blanket. She followed suit and ran her hands through the faux fur. He handed her a bowl of chocolate ice cream and she grinned.

"Did they tease you?"

"Only Sam and Danny. Josh was actually mad."

"Why?" her spoon clinked against the bowl before bringing it to her mouth. She moaned at the sweetness. "This is what I needed."

He chuckled at her. "He said that he didn't think about this when he started dating Emery."

"How exactly did they meet?"

So Fine ⇸ Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now