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As they reached the hall where numerous classrooms were lined up, Scarlett's curiosity bubbled up. "What kind of class is this?" She questioned, her gazes darting around in wonder.

Inside the room, the clash of steel resonated, merging seamlessly with the echoes of magical incantations. Swordsmanship and spells intertwined, emphasizing the fusion of combat prowess and arcane mastery. The air crackled with raw energy, pulsating with untapped magical potential, while the lingering scent of incense heightened the senses, enveloping the room in an aura of mystique and wonder.

"This is sparring class, but it's not our destination for now," Deviath explained, guiding them towards their intended classroom. "We're headed to Class A-1, where we'll delve into the intricacies of magic before engaging in sparring sessions."

Excitedly, Scarlett exclaimed, "Oooo! Let's go to our class then!"

Upon entering Class A-1, they were greeted by a grand hall adorned with intricate runes and shimmering crystals, casting an ethereal light that danced across the room. Rows of wooden desks filled the spacious chamber, each equipped with parchment and quills, ready for diligent note-taking. The class could easily accommodate 70 to 100 students comfortably.

At the front of the room, a raised platform served as the instructor's stage, where a venerable mage or seasoned warrior stood, ready to impart their wisdom upon the eager pupils. Mystical diagrams and runes adorned the chalkboards, illustrating the complex theories of spellcasting and the precise techniques of swordplay, setting the stage for an enlightening and empowering educational journey.

Scarlett and Aoto get lost in their thoughts after seeing such a nice classroom but as soon as they remember that this is just a school where they have to study, they went to sad mode.

As the students filled the classroom, Scarlett found herself immediately surrounded by boys eager to introduce themselves.

"Nova-san, I'm Scardial, son of the Duke. Pleasure to meet you," one boy began before being interrupted by another.

"I'm  Eddard, son of a renowned merchant in the kingdom," another boy interjected.

Scarlett couldn't help but sigh inwardly. 'Why are they all clamoring to talk to me?'she wondered.

To her surprise, the attention wasn't limited to the boys. Girls, abandoning their desks, approached the Chiyoko hiiro with fervor.

"Chiyoko-kun, remember me from yesterday?"

"Do you have a girlfriend, Chiyoko-kun? Maybe I could be yours."

"Count me in too," another girl chimed in eagerly.

Amidst the commotion, Chiyoko attempted to diffuse the situation. "Stop, girls. We're here to study. Let's return to our seats and discuss this later."

Aoto watched the scene unfold, his dream of building a harem seeming to crumble before his eyes. 'What the...? I thought I became popular after the duel. What's going on?'

He thought he'll be the most popular student in whole academy after showing a display of false strength but the reality was quite unexpected but to his relief, Princess Ingrassia and Elminia approached Aoto, with Elminia too flustered to speak.

The princess took the lead. "This is our first meeting. I am Princess Ingrassia of Darwitz, but you can call me Ingrassia."

Aoto responded with a nervous laugh. "I'm Aoto Takahashi. Nice to meet you."

Relieved to have at least two girls on his side, Aoto's attention turned back to Chiyoko.

"Ingrassia-san, why are all these girls chasing Chiyoko?" he inquired.

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