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As I waltzed back into my dorm room, the echoes of laughter and joy from my date with Irish still reverberating in my soul, I couldn't contain the euphoria that danced within me.

With each step, I shed the constraints of societal norms, discarding my garments with reckless abandon until I stood liberated and unburdened, the cool air caressing my skin like a gentle embrace.

I took off the clothes that I was wearing and threw them in the corner of the room. Because being naked is better then wearing feminine clothes as a man's prospective.

It was raining outside, i didn't know it was rainy season, I thought they just use water and growth magic to grow plants. Well it's been more than 1 week since I arrived in this world but rain is happening right now so I can assume that this is the start of rainy season.

As Scarlett approached Aoto, who stood pensively by the window, his gaze lost in the rhythmic cadence of raindrops against the glass, he broke the silence with a casual greeting.

"Yo! Do you like rain, Aoto?"

Aoto's attention snapped back to the present, his features registering a hint of surprise at the interruption. "Ohh! You came back," he responded, a note of relief evident in his voice. "Well yeah, I like rain."

Scarlett's response, however, was laced with a cutting edge of mockery. "Really? Because it covers up the sound of you masturbating, right?" Her chuckle dripped with disdain, casting a shadow over the moment.

Aoto's discomfort was palpable as he shifted uneasily, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Cough... cough... I-I was talking about my childhood. Now I don't like rain," he stammered, his attempt to deflect the teasing falling flat.

But Scarlett was relentless in her mockery, her words like barbs aimed at Aoto's vulnerability. "Ohh! Because you're unable to hear the sound of other people's footsteps, so you can't relax and masturbate, right?" Each word was a dagger, piercing through Aoto's defenses and laying bare his insecurities.

In that moment, Aoto's inner turmoil reached a boiling point as he cursed inwardly.
'Ugh! Fuck he is exposing me.'

As the debate reached an impasse, he resorted to deflecting the conversation.
"Why are you naked? What happened to the date?" he inquired, attempting to steer the dialogue away from the unresolved argument.

"It was great, I almost kissed her," I replied, a subtle evasion of the truth lurking beneath my words. (There was no mention of the events that transpired earlier, the confrontation that had left two adventurers lying lifeless in the wake of her and irish's encounter.)

Aoto, sensing my reluctance to delve further into the matter, let out a heavy yawn, his voice tinged with laziness as he redirected the conversation. "Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is magic class, and you have to come as well."

I was free for 1 week because they kicked me out of weapon training sessions, But tomorrow and I think for 1 week is magic classes Soni have to go in classroom like first day of academy, I don't really care much about any classes, because I can learn magic by simply reading books in the library and using them in practical in the back of garden of academy,No one seeing you there no matter what you are doing.

Again we both slept in same bed, I was so lazy to wear clothes again, so I just slept naked, I have habit of taking off my clothes in sleep, so what's the difference.

I didn't even realize and it was morning.
Like always I woke up and saw a letter was kept under the door. Prince Richard was written on it, I don't fucking know why he sends me love letter everyday.

As always Without even reading 1st line, I burned the letter with fire magic, I think I should thank him for helping me practice fire magic on this kind of weak things, it increases my magic control and accuracy.

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