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Scarlett leaned against the cold, damp walls of the prison cell, her expression a mix of amusement and resignation. "Well, this escalated quickly," she mused aloud, casting a glance at the two guards stationed outside her cell. Their hands shook slightly, their eyes darting nervously between each other and the formidable figure they were tasked to watch.

"Relax, guys. I'm not going to eat you. At least, not today," she joked, flashing a grin that did little to ease their anxiety.

Her thoughts drifted back to the day's events—a chaotic summoning, a dramatic showdown at the academy, and an audience with a king so scared he probably wished he could swap his crown for a nice, safe desk job. "Summoned by Carl, huh? More like summoned into a sitcom."

Reflecting on her brief interaction with Yumi, Scarlett couldn't help but smirk. "A student council president with a knack for business? Sounds like I've hit the recruitment jackpot. Too bad she's wrapped up in all this hero nonsense. I'll just kidnap her."

As she settled into the reality of spending a night behind bars, Scarlett's mind plotted. "Tomorrow, I'll be free, and then it's time to do some headhunting. Yumi, ready or not, here I come. She always studies about business management, no wonder she got skills like communication, bargaining etc.

Turning her attention back to her reluctant guards, she called out, "Hey, do either of you have a deck of cards? This could be a long night, and I'm feeling lucky." The guards exchanged a look of bewilderment, clearly unprepared for dungeon duties to include entertainment requests.

Since everyone was afraid of her, What she might do if they refuse her. So the first guard goes and after some time he comes with deck of cards with him.

Scarlett's evening had taken a surprising turn, transforming from a tense standoff to a more relaxed card game with the guards. Laughter and lighthearted banter filled the cell, easing thier tension and fear. However, Scarlett's sharp skills at cards ensured she won almost every round, much to the amusement of all.

"Looks like I'm on a winning streak tonight!" Scarlett chuckled, collecting another round of cards.

Scarlett's laughter echoed through the small prison cell as she collected another winning hand, her grin wide as the guards groaned in mock despair. "Seriously, are you guys even trying? Or are you just that bad at cards?" she teased, shuffling the deck with expert flicks of her wrists.

The first guard, trying to hide his embarrassment behind a forced smile, retorted, "Maybe we're just letting you win, considering your...current accommodations."

"Yeah," the second guard chimed in, his earlier fear dissolving into a friendly banter, "it's the least we can do for our most 'distinguished' guest."

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. A grey, smoke-like gas seeped into the room like a silent predator, engulfing the space and causing the guards to slump over, unconscious. Scarlett, unaffected by the gas, watched calmly as a familiar figure stepped into the cell.

Yushiro, with his distinctive grey hair and blue eyes, quickly made his move. He grabbed the keys from one of the guards and tossed them towards Scarlett. "Go, escape from here," he urged, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and sincerity.

However, Scarlett simply pushed the keys back towards him with a flick of her foot, sending them clattering to the floor at his feet.

"I don't need them," she declared firmly, her voice echoing slightly in the now quiet cell.

Yushiro looked perplexed, unable to understand her refusal. But for Scarlett, the reasons were clear: she had given her word to the king that she would remain in the cell for a day, and she intended to keep that promise. Besides, she knew Yushiro well enough to suspect that his offer of help wasn't without strings attached. She could almost see the wheels turning in his head, calculating his next move.

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