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'An old man with this lustrous look in his eyes, and a perverted face... Isn't this a common archetype in every anime or novel?'

"The one who gives answers of your every questions?"

As joy flooded through Scarlett's veins, bubbling up in excitement, she opened her mouth to ask a barrage of questions. However, before she could even utter a single word, the old man took charge, seizing the spotlight with theatrical flair.

With a few exaggerated steps backward, the room suddenly erupted in a cascade of flowers, as if they had sprung into existence out of thin air. Light radiated from behind him, casting him in an aura of divine grandeur. With a pose that could only be described as cringe-worthy, he boomed, "Who am I?"

In a voice dripping with bombastic self-importance, he declared, "I am the great, the almighty, the invincible, the unbreakable!
Behold!....the first primordial demon in existence, As well as the First demon king!"

He paused for dramatic effect, allowing his self-proclaimed greatness to sink in before delivering his grand finale with utmost gravitas. "I am... Avalokishva!"

As Scarlett witnessed the old man's ridiculous antics, her hope shattered, replaced by a look of disappointment and annoyance etched across her face. However, in the midst of her disillusionment, a sudden idea sparked in her mind.

'Wait a minute... First demon king?'

Before she could voice her thoughts, a new figure emerged from the shadows, a striking beauty adorned in a maid's dress. With a graceful leap, she delivered a powerful kick directly to the old man, her face contorted with embarrassment at his cringe-worthy display.

Scarlett's surprise knew no bounds as she watched the self-proclaimed first demon king being humbled by his own maid. After the commotion settled, the old man sheepishly apologized to his maid and introduced himself once again.

"I'm Avalokishva, though everyone calls me Avion."

Then came the bombshell revelation: "You've been sleeping for 2 weeks."

Scarlett was taken aback by this statement, a mix of shock and relief washing over her as she realized she had survived and been fully healed. Grateful, she thanked both Avion and his maid for saving her life.

The old man took the lead, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"You are not a succubus, Right?" he questioned, his keen observation drawing a slight surprise from Scarlett. It was the first time someone had correctly identified her true nature.

He pressed on, "You are not a demon either. You have two different eye colors and two different horns. But your face... it's so provocative that even the highest-ranking succubi pale in comparison to you."

"Just what are you? An evolved version of a succubus or some new species?" he inquired, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

In response, Scarlett countered with her own question, "I'm the one who will be asking who you are. You said you're the demon king, but you don't even have horns?"

The old man chuckled heartily, his amusement contagious as even the maid behind him couldn't help but smile. "Didn't your mother teach you how to hide your horns?" he retorted playfully.

"And you were shot by a poisoned arrow made by etherium. Just who were you fighting?" he added, his curiosity piqued by Scarlett's mysterious circumstances.

Scarlett, typically guarded about her past, felt an unusual connection with the old man and his maid. Sensing a kinship born of their shared non-human nature, she decided to open up to them, revealing her story from beginning to end. As she finished recounting her tale, a moment of silence hung in the air before erupting into laughter.

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