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As Scarlett and Captain Rowan stepped through the portal, they emerged into a vast field surrounded by towering trees and scattered boulders. The landscape stretched out before them, seemingly endless, with the imposing silhouette of an immense forest looming in the distance. The Amazon forest paled in comparison to the sheer size of this sprawling wilderness, giving the impression that it stretched on infinitely.

The area was shrouded in an eerie atmosphere, with an otherworldly aura permeating the air. The trees stood tall and ancient, their gnarled branches reaching towards the sky like skeletal fingers clawing at the heavens. Thick vines snaked their way around the trunks, weaving a web of greenery that seemed to pulsate with life.

Massive stones littered the landscape, some jutting out of the ground at odd angles while others lay scattered haphazardly across the field. Their rough surfaces bore the marks of age and weathering, hinting at the passage of time in this desolate realm.

In the distance, the dense expanse of the forest beckoned, its dark depths hinting at untold dangers lurking within. It was no secret that this was the domain of demons and monsters, ruled by the dreaded Six Demon Kings who held sway over their respective territories.

Despite the foreboding presence of the forest, there was no sign of demonic activity in the immediate vicinity. Instead, the only thing that seemed to be happening was the preparation for a hunt—a hunt for a demon.

Without hesitation, Rowan wasted no time in revealing his true intentions, launching a surprise attack on Scarlett's back with his sword. However, to his astonishment, Scarlett effortlessly intercepted his strike with a single hand, not even bothering to look at the blade. With a swift twist of her wrist, she shattered Rowan's sword, one of the strongest in the kingdom, as if it were made of glass.

Observing his failed attempt, Rowan retreated to a safe distance of about 80 meters, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident in his expression. "So, you already suspected our plans to kill you. Quite intelligent for a succubus," he remarked, his tone tinged with respect.

Scarlett turned to face Rowan, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she chuckled. "Suspected? It was blatantly obvious, even to a child," she quipped, her confidence unwavering.

Rowan's laughter rang out, though it held a hint of resignation. "Hehe... it matters not now. I'm not the only one here to end your life. We are a team of twelve, backed by an army of two hundred thousand soldiers. While we couldn't teleport the entire army, they will arrive in approximately an hour. Once they do, your fate will be sealed."

As Rowan's words echoed through the air, the veil of stealth magic dissipated, revealing the remaining eleven warriors poised for battle.

Perched atop a distant tree, an ethereal elf stood with elegance, wielding a grand bow adorned with shimmering gems that caught the light. (I'm giving everyone's names and a little info to make it easy to understand)
<Name:Lirianne Aerendir Silverleaf>
<Title/Class: Spatial Archer>
<Info.: An High elf and Strongest Archer on her village>

At the forefront were a pair of female magicians clad in verdant robes, their hands grasping oversized wands crackling with magical energy.

<Name: Elaraith Thalorien Galanodel and Aranelle Elanoriel Starfall>
<Title/Class : High Mages>
<Info. : Mages from Royal palace>

To their right stood a set of twins, identical in every way, donned in sturdy armor and gauntlets, their faces resolute with determination

<Name : Galadriel Aelindel Nightwhisper and Velaeriel Aelindel nightwhisper>
<Title/Class : Twin Gauntlet Fighting style>
<Info. : A+ Rank adventurers>

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