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In the Warrior Academy of the Kingdom of Gwarga, where talented children study magic and combat techniques much like a hero academy, it was almost afternoon, possibly lunch break for the students.

A distressing scene in a secluded corner of the academy grounds: A group of Three students were beating one helpless student, every boys were wearing   blue button-up top with gold trim over a white dress shirt and green tie, navy pants, and black dress shoes like every typical high-schools from earth. The victim lay helplessly on the ground while his attackers, likely nobles judging by their demeanor, kicked him mercilessly.

This appeared to be a clear case of bullying, with the targeted student seemingly a commoner despite his regal appearance, no less than a royal, featuring silver-white hair, gold eyes, and a youthful, innocent face.

Their faces twisted with mockery. The boy at the center, his voice dripping with disdain, taunted the prone figure. "You lowly commoner with no talent! You were only accepted into this Academy by sheer luck. Your so-called unique skill is utterly useless."

Another boy, sneering alongside him, added with a scornful laugh, "Yeah, 'Summon Dragonoid'? What even is that? No one's ever heard of such a creature."

The third boy chimed in, his words laced with ridicule, "And on top of that, he's never successfully summoned anything. Hahaha... Did you really think the girls would protect you just because you have a handsome face?"

Their laughter echoed around the courtyard, drawing the attention of other students who watched from a distance but remained silent, none daring to intervene on behalf of the humiliated boy on the ground.

The boy was about to get up but they kicked him again, causing him to fall, but to his fortunate fate, a girl from the midst of students come to help him. Her long black hair flowing behind her and black eyes sharp with resolve, intervened to halt the harassment. With a face of an typical class president of ever anime or manga, Her school uniform, slightly modified to a shorter skirt, did nothing to diminish her authoritative stance as she confronted the bullies—Ethernet, Gems, and Beret.

"Ethernet, Gems, Beret! That's enough," she commanded, her voice cutting through the mockery and laughter, echoing across the courtyard.

Unfazed by her interruption, the trio sneered back, their disdain palpable. "Yumi Yamamoto? What's a failed hero like you doing here?" Their taunts, spiked with derision, her name, indicating that of an Japanese name, and Yes! She is from Japan summoned by kingdom Gwarga as hero,  Just like Darwitz summoned Aoto. 

Brushing aside their insults, Yumi's focus remained unwavering as she assisted the fallen boy, Carl, to his feet. Her expression softened briefly with concern. "Are you okay, Carl?" she asked, ensuring he was not grievously injured.

Turning her attention back to the tormentors, her gaze hardened, and she took a protective step in front of Carl. "Don't you ever do that again to anyone!" Her command resonated with the strength of her conviction, even as her voice betrayed the frustration of dealing with bullies who saw no wrong in their actions.

The bullies only laughed harder, mocking her capabilities. "What can you do, huh? A summoned hero with no offensive or defensive skills, and no goddess's protection to speak of?"

In the charged atmosphere of the school courtyard, Carl, the boy long tormented by his peers, reached his breaking point. As Yumi tried to shield him, his anger, fueled by months of relentless bullying, finally boiled over. With a determined shove, he gently pushed Yumi aside, his expression hardened by resolve.

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