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Humans are simple, They get attached to other people's so easily. But this attachment is a grave weakness of any tough man/women.

I also wanted to become a man with much less weaknesses possible, So in middle school and high school,I was friendly with almost everyone but I didn't let me get attached to someone.

You just have to prove your talent, Don't let anyone underestimate you and keep your distance without making them hate you, easy-peasy.

In my life there's only two person with whom I attached to, First was my mother but she is already dead and second is my best friend Aoto Takahashi. My best friend has many girlfriends, so to say more than 10 but I never really tried to get a girlfriend because a women is a greatest threat to a healthy and Manly man.(That's what my mother told me)

"Then....then why the hell am i on a date with introvert-chan Aaaaaaa!".exclaimed inwardly, grappling with the unfamiliar emotions stirring beneath his carefully constructed facade.

"How did this come to this?."

1 Weeks Ago....

"Then I'll start a 12-hour lesson on how to make girls fall in love with you," Aoto declared playfully.Despite the absurdity of the notion, I indulged him, knowing well that my body don't need to sleep and that would allow me to endure the marathon session without issue.

And after that he lectured me all night and I don't need to sleep so I didn't had any problem with that. After that as always in we went to attend classes.

That day, our curriculum diverged from the arcane arts to the martial, as we were summoned to the weapons class. The air crackled with anticipation as our instructors briefed us on the importance of selecting a weapon for future battles. Swords and katanas were the popular choices among students including me, but when the question of my preference arose.

"And what you think I chose?"

"Nothing", Yep! I chose fucking nothing.

Because that motherfucker instructor told me to not choose any weaopn.

"Why?" I asked him this same question.

His response was both unexpected and unsettling. "Because you're just too powerful," he explained matter-of-factly. "Even the weakest of swords in your hands would wreak havoc. Your strength is such that a single swing could cleave the academy building in two."

In that moment, the weight of my own abilities bore down upon me, a stark reminder of the isolation that came with unparalleled power.

With the weapon training sessions scheduled to span a week, I found myself with an abundance of free time on my hands. While Aoto and the others threw themselves into rigorous training, honing their skills with unwavering determination, I observed from the sidelines, a silent spectator to their efforts.

In this world for leveling up,you don't really have to kill monsters. You can get exp. points to increase your level by strengthening your body and learning techniques However, it was widely acknowledged that engaging in actual combat provided the fastest route to advancement.

Aoto had already reached Level 14, a testament to his dedication and relentless pursuit of improvement. Inspired by his example, I devoted myself to self-improvement, immersing myself in study day and night, I don't need to sleep so it was kinda plus point for me, allowing me to dedicate countless hours to mastering various magical techniques, of course they are all related to fire.

I explored academy and  also learned many things about this world like, This planet is 300 times bigger that earth.Talk about, we are living on a fucking jupiter.

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