It Takes A Man To Become The Best Waifu

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Humans or Demons, Who's Stronger?

When it comes to the age-old question of who is stronger, humans or demons, opinions are divided. While many believe that demons hold the upper hand, When it comes to me, Then I firmly believe that humans are the stronger of the two.

Why Ask?

I'm not talking about individual strength or raw power, but the strength found in unity and knowledge. Humans have accumulated thousands of years' worth of knowledge, meticulously recorded in books and passed down through generations. This wealth of information is readily accessible, with academies established to ensure the smooth transfer of knowledge. In stark contrast, demons are born with innate strength, regenerative abilities, and significantly longer lifespans-some even ageless. However, they lack the structured approach to learning that humans possess. Demons often learn magic through self-practice or by stealing grimoires from humans. This means that, despite their natural abilities, humans have a far greater repository of magical knowledge than even the mightiest demon kings.

Why Do Humans Still Gets Defeated?

Yet, despite this advantage, humans often find themselves on the losing side. I don't know about my original world but This World's peoples are kinda stupid, They lack creativity-or rather, the lack thereof. In this world, humans seem to squander their potential, failing to fully exploit the magic they possess. Every spell, every magical text, is a treasure trove of possibilities, far more potent and versatile than they realize. But instead of delving deep, they skim the surface, like reading only the title of a book and ignoring the wealth of knowledge within.

Let's take an example to illustrate my point: my psychokinesis! In this world, people typically use psychokinetic powers to lift objects and throw them at their enemies. And that's it! Psychokinesis is hard to learn and consumes a lot of mana, so it's rarely mastered. But if they truly understood its potential, they would realize psychokinesis is far more useful than they think.

With psychokinesis, you can do so much more than just hurl objects. Imagine enhancing your teammates' overall strength. Picture a swordsman who can control the direction of their slashes mid-air, dramatically increasing accuracy and lethality. Psychokinesis can turn a simple attack into a precise, devastating blow, making your strikes nearly impossible to dodge.

I'm not even close to done yet. You can create a "Repel Barrier" that doesn't block attacks in the traditional sense but makes them pass harmlessly through you, leaving you unscathed. It's like phasing through danger.

Even more impressive, you can generate an invisible aura around your body that makes it impossible for anyone to touch you. Think of it like Gojo Satoru's Infinity. With this barrier, you can walk into a battlefield and remain untouchable, effortlessly defeating your enemies while they can't even land a hit on you.

Let's set aside thoughts of humans and demons for now and focus on the heart of the matter. My village, Dreadhaven, has almost transformed into a thriving town. I still have Avion's one thousand gold coins, which I'll refer to as our "Foreign Reserves." These funds will be invaluable for paying workers from outside the village and purchasing goods from other kingdoms.

Additionally, it's essential to create our own gold, silver, and bronze coins. This will make trade much easier for our citizens, who currently barter goods like in ancient times-exchanging wheat for rice, and so on. We can't simply mimic the coin designs of other kingdoms; we need a unique currency that represents Dreadhaven.

The most remarkable development, however, is the growth of our population. Our village now boasts over four thousand inhabitants, a diverse mix of species. This incredible expansion is a testament to Dreadhaven's prosperity and promise.

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