1- The Burrow

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Your POV:

"You've got to be absolutely insane George!" You said as the floppy red haired boy grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of your bedroom window and into Arthur's flying car.

"Don't worry miss y/l/n, you're going to have a lovely time staying with our chaotic family," Fred joked, as you clicked in your seat belt.

"No I meant that I was home alone. We could've just used the door," you told the twins, giggling.

"Yeah, but that would've taken the fun out of it!" George said, with a thirst for adventure in his voice.

You smiled a smile of relief, knowing that you were finally free from the endless nights of being alone in your room, with no one to talk to. For a few weeks, that was.

Your parents always had important work trips over Christmas break, and since you were an only child, you spent many nights longingly writing letters to your friends who you hoped to see sometime soon. Or anyone for that matter.

You pressed your cheek against the cold window of the Ford Anglia, as you gazed out at the wispy pink clouds that floated by.

You were extremely happy that you would be spending your winter break with the Weasley family, after all, you had built up quite a crush on your best friend, Ron Weasley. How could anyone blame you though, he was just perfect. With his glowing ginger hair, and his adorable freckled face. And over the summer between your fourth and fifth year, he had gained quite the toned body too.

You just couldn't wait!

"Ah, there it is!" Fred shouted with excitement, as the three of you pulled up to the Burrow, just as the sun was setting.

You floated down onto the dirt path that led to the Weasley family's home. George, being the gentleman he is, popped open your door and offered you his hand. You took it, giggling once again, and stepped out of the car. "Why thank you sir," you said in your best fancy person accent, which made you all burst into laughter.

"Okay so basically, your lover doesn't know your here yet because-"

"My lover?" You interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

"Listen y/n," Fred paused as the two of them exchanged glances. "We both know that you and Ron have been madly in love with each other for years, and that both of you are too shy to admit it."

"So we've come up with a plan to help you admit your feelings for him!" George finished excitedly.

"Basically what's going to happen is-"

"Guys! Me and Ron are not madly in love. And I appreciate the thought but I don't need help admitting my feelings."

They looked at each other and smirked before you realized how that came out. "Not that I have any! I just, um, we're best friends okay? That's all. Now if you'd excuse me I want to go see my best friend." You repeated, trying to get it into their heads that you and Ron weren't a thing. After all, he didn't like you back, right?

"Well y/n, before you go inside we wanted to let you know that we didn't exactly tell Ron that we came to get you a day early." George said.

"We wanted to surprise him" Fred added, proudly.

"Aw that's nice!" You said smiling.

"Yeah, he's missed you quite a bit since you lot got out of school. He'd been sulking in his room for the first week or so," Fred said, looking up toward Ron's room.

"But he's perked up a bit now that you were coming," George added.

You smiled again, something you'd be doing a lot of now that you were spending a few weeks with your favorite family. And your favorite boy. Wow maybe you were madly in love with him.

Fred sort of bowed his head saying "after you" as he motioned for you to enter the house first. You stepped forward and twisted the handle on the door, immediately hearing all of the sounds that accompanied The Burrow.

The plates washing themselves, a scarf being knit by magical needles, and the sound of Ron and Ginny arguing with each other from different rooms.

"Harry and Hermione will be getting here tomorrow, but since Ron was missing you so much we wanted you to get here a bit early." George told you.

This made you feel so good. Ron missed you! He really missed you! He wanted to spend time with you, spend the holiday season with you.

"Oh my goodness, hello dear!" Molly exclaimed running up to you with open arms. You were wrapped into a tight hug with a smiling Mrs. Weasley. She then held your face in her hands as she quickly studied your facial expression. She was extremely excited to see you.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley!" You replied.

"Oh please dear, call me Molly! I know all of us are very delighted to have you here for Christmas this year!"

You smiled at her, then slowly looked around the room, taking it all in.

It's so peaceful here, you almost thought, until Ron stomped down the steep stairs following after Ginny.

"I know you took it Ginny! Just give it back and this will all be over," Ron said, not yet noticing you standing in the kitchen beside his mum.

You missed hearing his voice. Even if he was yelling at his sister.

"Y/n?!" Ron said with the biggest smile you had ever seen.

"Ron!" You shouted, running into his arms. He pulled you in to him so close. One hand on the back of your head, which was buried into his chest, and the other tightly wrapped around your lower back.

You looked over at Fred and George, who were standing behind Ron. Fred winked at you while George gave you a big thumbs up.

You had forgotten how much you had missed the feeling of Ron's passionate embrace.

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