13- Dancing in the Burrow

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Your POV:

You were woken up by the sound of someone screaming. Or maybe... singing?

"Viktor I love you, Viktor I do!"

You climbed out of your sleeping bag and opened the door to see what was going on. As you looked into the hall, you saw the twins teasing Ron about his obsession with the Bulgarian quidditch player, Viktor Krum.

The twins were serenading him while trying to twirl him around and dance with him. It was quite funny.

Ron didn't seem to think so. He looked annoyed at them, probably because they did this to him quite often. Ever since you all had gone to the Quidditch World Cup the previous year, they wouldn't stop bothering him about Krum.

You giggled, leaning against the door frame of Ginny's bedroom. You were wearing a thin navy tank top and some small light gray sleep shorts. You didn't bother putting on a sweater or any pajama pants before leaving Ginny's room because you hadn't really thought to.

Then, Ron's eyes met yours and his facial expression changed completely. He quickly looked you up and down, then grew a shy looking smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, breaking his gaze from you to look at the floor beneath his feet.

Butterflies erupted in your stomach.

Once the twins noticed you were standing there, they skipped over and tried to get you to join their singing. They spun you around and danced with you, passing you off to each other while singing to Ron.

As you danced around the hall with the two boys, George firmly took hold of your waist, lifting you up to spin you around, then gently placing you back down.

Then, Fred grabbed your wrist and began to twirl you around, allowing you to catch a glimpse of Ron.

To your surprise, he couldn't take his eyes off you. His eyes seemed to be filled with astonishment, and maybe a hint of jealousy. Possibly due to the fact that you were dancing with his brothers and not him.

You quickly took note of that and gently broke away from Fred's grasp. You extended your arm in Ron's direction and pulled him towards you. He immediately gave in and let you bring him into the dance.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as the two of you began giggling and spinning each other around.

As the dance slowed down, you looked over Ron's shoulder at the twins. They each gave you a thumbs up and then quickly disappeared into their room, leaving you and Ron alone. You focused your attention back on him as the two of you peacefully rocked back and forth on your feet.

You laid your head against his chest. His hands slid from your lower back up closer to your shoulders as he held you tightly in his arms, his head resting on top of yours.

Your heart was racing as the two of you swayed back and forth. The butterflies in your stomach seemed to be dancing too. You felt like you were going to melt in his arms at any second.

Although the two of you weren't talking, just being in each other's presence was enough. You stayed comfortably like this for many minutes.

Then out of nowhere, a sudden gasp woke you from your daze. You immediately clutched onto Ron before thinking and whipped your head around to see where the noise had come from.

Hermione was standing in the doorway of Ginny's room looking at you and Ron with an oddly contagious embarrassed smile on her face.

You quickly let go of Ron as the two of you matched her expression.

You couldn't help but notice that your natural reaction to this little scare had been to practically jump into his arms.

I guess it's just where I feel the safest, you thought with a smile.

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