16- Sleepy Cuddles and Early Visits

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Your POV:

You were pretty tired that night. You always seemed to be tired when staying at The Burrow. You couldn't tell if it was because you were never able to get a peaceful nights rest without someone waking you up, or if it was because your energy was drained from having so much fun during the day.

While your friends talked and laughed about anything and everything, you felt yourself begin drifting in and out of sleep, their voices around you beginning to fade.

You couldn't keep your eyes open any longer. You were so comfortable laying there with Ron that you dozed off into a gentle sleep.

Later, as you woke up, you were instantly met with the feeling of his hands stroking your hair ever so lightly.

This feeling warmed your heart.

How can someone who I'm not even dating make me feel so loved and happy? You wondered to yourself.

As you blinked your eyes a few times, fully waking up, you realized that your face was nuzzled into his chest and you were sitting sideways across his lap, curled up against his body. 

You didn't know how you had gotten in that position, but you didn't want to move. This made you so happy.

His one hand was wrapped comfortably around your waist, the other still running gently through your hair.

You nestled into him. He smelled like cinnamon and a cozy room accompanied by a fireplace. You inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. You felt so warm and safe with him.

Ron must've felt you moving and so he shifted his gaze from Fred, who was telling a story of how him and his twin had pranked Filch last year, to you.

"Hey love, you awake now?" He asked quietly, looking down at you with a gentle smile.

You tilted your head back and looked up at him, returning the smile with a little nod.

"You were pretty tired, I'm honestly surprised you didn't fall asleep sooner," he told you with a little chuckle.

Once the others noticed you had woken up, they let you know that it was getting late.

"What? How long was I asleep for?" You asked, sleepily rubbing your eye while looking around for a clock to check the time.

You spotted one on the wall across the room. It was already 11 pm.

Oh my gosh... the last time I checked the clock it was only 9:30.

"I've been sleeping for so long! Why didn't anybody wake me up?" You said, feeling like you had missed out on some of the fun.

"Well, we knew how tired you were and we didn't want to wake you," Ron said, innocently. He looked like a little puppy dog staring down at you.

Seeing his precious face glowing in the light of the fireplace made you instantly feel better. Even if you had been sleeping for a few hours, at least you had been with him the whole time.

Your face broke into a smile as you reached your arms up around his neck and pulled him into a hug, burying your face in his neck.

He immediately followed, a big smile growing on his face as he wrapped both of his arms around your body. Your legs were laying sideways, across his, as you sat in his lap. His arms were tightly wrapped around your lower back as he looked over your shoulders at his brothers.

As you lay against his chest, sleepily hugging him, you heard a whisper behind you.

"You've finally done it mate," Fred announced in a low voice, as if he was trying not to let you hear him.

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