5- Cocoa and Cuddles

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Your POV:

"Get them!" Hermione yelled as your snowball fight commenced.

It made you happy seeing her having fun like this. When you were in school, she had a hard time putting down her school work and having a good time.

"Do it George!" You yelled to your teammate.

George launched a huge icy snowball on your command, nailing Fred right in the side of his head.

"Oh your gonna pay for that Georgie," Fred shouted as he charged towards his brother.

He rammed into George with his shoulder, causing him to bumped into you at full force. You tripped backwards, your body slamming into someone else's.

You rolled over to see who you'd accidentally tackled.

It was Ron.

He was laying beneath you, snowflakes scattered across his fluffy ginger hair. His cheeks and nose had been kissed by the crisp winter air, his strong arms were wrapped around your waist.

He cracked a smile, looking into your eyes.

You reached up towards his cheek, gently wiping away a melted snowflake with your thumb.

Your heart was racing.

"Your eyes look beautiful in the snow," he whispered.

Did he really just say that?

"I could say the same to you," you replied looking into his gorgeous greenish blue eyes.

That moment felt so perfect. You didn't want to move. You could tell he didn't either.

Then, out of no where, a large snowball smacked into the back of your head.

You whipped your head around to see who had thrown it.

"Get up love birds we're in the middle of a battle!" Fred shouted.

You looked down at Ron. "Should we get 'em?" You asked.

"Let's do it," Ron replied.

You climbed off of him, and the two of you began throwing chunks of snow in Fred's direction.

He started running to take cover behind the Ford Anglia that was parked near the side of your battle field.

You bent down, sneaking towards the car, Ron right beside you. You motioned for Ron to go on the left side of the car as you went on the right. Then, the two of you jumped out in unison and pelted Fred with snowballs.

"Ahhh," Fred shouted, as snow went down the back of his shirt. "It's cold!"

You high fived Ron, while laughing at Fred who was squirming to get the snow out of his clothes.


After a few hours of sledding and snowball fights, you lot decided to head inside and make yourselves some hot cocoa.

"I've got the best recipe for making hot chocolate, you're going to love it!" Ginny told the group.

As you came up to the front door, everyone stomped the snow off their boots and shook off their jackets, leaving everything in a pile outside the door.

You were freezing. It was way colder than you were used to.

You sat down on the couch beside Hermione. The two of you started catching up while Ginny began making a big batch of hot cocoa for all of you to share.

Ron and the twins walked over to the living area. George sat down in an arm chair, Fred decided to lay on the floor, and Ron sat down beside you on the couch.

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