3- Decisions

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Your POV:

There you were. Standing in the doorway of Ron's bedroom. His shirt laying across the end of his bed.

It was quite obvious that he had worked on his body over the summer. His abs were extremely defined. His shoulders were wide and muscled. His chest-

"My eyes are up here love." Ron said interrupting your thoughts.

He crossed his arms, slightly laughing to himself.

He called you love. He had always called you love. But just you. It was sort of like a nickname, only it was more of a name for someone you're dating. But maybe that was just the Weasley boys for you. The twins called lots of people "darling" and "love".

"Oh, um, I- I'm sorry I thought you were in the bathroom."

"No it's okay. Stay for a bit," he told you.

"I mean, I just came for my trunk. Ginny's probably wondering where I went."

You felt shivers go up your legs. It was winter and Ron had his window open.

What kind of person keeps their window open in the winter?

He immediately noticed your goosebumps.

"Y/n you look like you're freezing! Come here," he told you, sitting down against the headboard of his bed with his arms extending towards you.

You stepped up to the bed, your heart beating faster than before. You did not hesitating to let his arms pull you in. You became curled up beside him, with your face nestled into his chest as he slowly stroked your hair.

This moment was everything you wanted. Everything you wanted to feel. You were filled up with a sense of complete happiness while laying against his chest. You were no longer shivering.

How can someone have such intense feelings for someone else when that someone else doesn't feel the same way? You thought.

The feeling of laying in his arms made you the happiest person ever.

It was pretty late, and you felt your eyes shutting. You didn't have the energy to try to stay awake.


All of a sudden, you woke with a start. You had fallen asleep on Ron's chest.

Although you absolutely loved the feeling, you felt like you had done something wrong, but you couldn't remember what.

Uh oh, I abandoned Ginny! You realized.

It had to have been the middle of the night. Ron was snoring, laying underneath you, with one arm tightly wrapped around your waist. As if someone was going to try to take you away from him while he was sleeping.

This made you feel safe. You always felt safe when you were with him. He had that effect on you.

Oh right. Ginny. You thought.

Although you didn't want to move, you gently tried to remove Ron's arm from around your side. He stirred in his sleep but you managed to get out of his grasp.

You didn't want to leave.

What if I just stay? Me and Ron can spend the night together. He won't even know I got up to leave. You thought to yourself.

But you had to do what was right. You had promised Ginny that the two of you would talk about her and Harry tonight, since he would be arriving the next day and it was hard to guarantee privacy here. That was clear.

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