15- Making Moves

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Hi readers!! I'm sorry for taking so long to upload! I have been really busy with school lately. Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you all really enjoy this chapter!

Your POV:

That night, as you all began to settle down, everyone was in a super good mood. It seemed like you all were excited for Christmas Eve.

"I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. This break has gone by so fast," you said, sitting down beside Hermione on the couch.

"I agree. We will be back to school in a week or so. I actually can't wait to get back into a routine. I miss my classes, and my professors, and-"

"Oh come on Hermione. Wouldn't you rather be here, having fun, not having to worry about any homework?" Ron asked, looking seriously perplexed at how she wanted to go back to school.

"Well, I suppose it is much more fun here. And at least while we're here we don't have to go to Snape's class," she said, giving you a look out of the corner of her eye.

You knew exactly what she was thinking.

The year before, you and her were in his class together. One time, you got to class a few minutes late and he gave you detention for an entire week! It was completely unnecessary. Also, he would always yell at the two of you for the most unreasonable things. There was one day where Draco and Pansy were talking and laughing much louder than you and Hermione were, yet Snape chose to yell at you instead of them. Probably because Snape favors the Slytherins.

"Snape hates us!" You said while laughing, putting your face in your palms.

"I mean, it is quite typical for Snape to hate the Gryffindors, but I don't understand why he hates you, y/n. All the professors love you!" Harry said, crossing his arms, looking a bit jealous in the funniest way.

You giggled to yourself and leaned against the arm of the couch.

Everyone seemed to agree with Harry.

"Is that really what you all think?" You asked, looking around at the group. There were various nods and yeah's.

You were surprised. You had never really noticed that the teachers favorited you. You guessed that maybe it was because your mind was always focused on other things...

"I mean, you're a good student, you're kind to everyone you meet, and you're brilliant at quidditch. What's there not to like?" Ron said with a soft smile on his face, before raising his hand to his mouth as if he hadn't meant to say all that in front of everyone.

You looked down at him, feeling blush spread across your cheeks. He was sitting on the floor in front of you with a slight smile on his face as he gazed up at you.

There was a pause as you made eye contact with him and a smile grew on your face.

"Thank you, Weasley," you said, in a somewhat shy but also appreciative voice.

He nodded.

You broke your gaze from Ron's and immediately noticed Fred and George exchanging glances with each other. Once Fred saw you staring at him, he raised his eyebrows twice and let out a little giggle.

Before you could say something back, Mrs. Weasley broke the silence as she brought out a tray of soft bread, crispy crackers, cheese, fresh fruit, vegetables, and other stuff into the living room. She placed it down in the middle of the coffee table, which was centered between the living room couch and chairs.

"Ooh thanks mum!" George said, before crawling over to the table from where he was laying on the rug to check out what was on the platter.

As he knelt beside it, Fred got up to do the same and Molly set down a stack of plates for everyone to pile up with their favorite snacks.

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