25- Under the Oak Tree

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Your POV:

As everyone hung around wearing their brand new sweaters that Molly had knit for you all, there was a light knocking sound on one of the nearby windows.

You turned your head, as did a few of your friends. You couldn't see anything from where you were sitting so you just ignored it and continued talking with your friends.

There was another knock a few moments after as well as a hooting sound. You stood up, immediately recognizing that noise. You walked up to the window, gasping with surprise.

It was your mother's owl.

You slid the window open right away and it hopped into the living room. "Hello Sprig," you said to the owl, giving it a welcoming pet on the top of its head. It shuddered slightly and gave its wings a small flap as if it was excited to see you.

You held out your hand to take the parchment it was clutching in its beak.

It was a letter from your parents.

To our sweet y/n,

Merry Christmas! We hope you are having a great time with the Weasleys as well as your other friends. We wish you good luck with your upcoming school year at Hogwarts. So sorry we couldn't be together this Christmas. We love you and hope you have a lovely rest of your break.

Here is a small gift for you! We weren't able to send anything larger, as Sprig would not have been able to carry it.

Love, Mom and Dad

You hadn't even noticed the small silk pouch that Sprig was holding with the letter. You opened it up to see a beautiful silver wire ring with a purple crystal on it.

Amethyst, you recognized.

Your mom was a skilled jewelry maker who often crafted rings such as this one in her free time. She was mad good at it too. Although it wasn't much, it meant a lot more to you since your mom had made it. She knew you loved amethyst.

"What is it y/n?" Asked Harry.

"It's a gift from my parents," you replied, studying the small, sparkling ring.

It was lovely. Although you were incredibly happy to be staying with your friends for Christmas break, you did miss your family a bit. So it was nice to have something that would remind you of them.

Ron walked up behind you, wrapping an arm around your front as he gazed over your shoulder.

"That's very pretty," he said, admiring the ring.

"It is, isn't it? My mom made it," you said, slipping it onto your finger.

"She made it?" Ron asked with surprise in his voice. "Woah, that's amazing. How did she do that?"

"She's really good. She's shown me how a few times, but I'm not even close to being as good as her."

"No, no, I've seen the ones you wear. You're really good. You should show me sometime," Ron added with a meaningful smile before planting a kiss on the top of your head and walking back to the rest of the group.

He really notices these types of things? You thought, with an appreciated feeling inside you.

You said your goodbyes to Sprig after writing a quick "thank you" and "Merry Christmas" note to your parents. He took it in his beak and flew out the window.

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