20- Mistletoe

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Your POV:

For the next hour or so, you and your friends hung out in the old tree house talking, telling stories, and reminiscing on your favorite memories from school.

It was honestly so much fun. You were so close with each one of them in such different ways, you knew you could tell them anything.

As the sun began to set, and the sky became pretty shades of orange and pink, you and your friends began to realized the time.

"We should probably get going. I'm sure mum's almost done making dinner and we still have to walk home." Ginny said.

Everyone agreed.

You all climbed down from the comfy wooden abode and gathered your things.

As you and your friends made your way back to The Burrow, you and Ron unhesitatingly decided to change into warm clothes right when you got home. After all, your clothes were still damp from falling into the creek.

As you opened the front door to the small home, all sorts of scents filled your nose. The smell of a delicious turkey in the oven, the smell of fresh homemade bread, the smell of candles burning.

All sorts of things were occurring. Charlie, Bill, and Percy were helping set the table and get everything prepared. Molly was finishing up her cooking, and Arthur was figuring out how to play a Christmas song on the record player.

The moment you stepped in the door you felt at home. You absolutely loved Christmas time and being with the Weasleys made it even better.

You quickly ran up to Ginny's room and changed into a Christmas sweater and some comfy black pants before rushing back downstairs to be with the family.

Everybody got seated at the table as Molly carried over a platter of food. The Weasleys loved to eat Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day.

Molly said it was 'double the fun' to do it both days, which obviously didn't bother anybody since Molly was such a fantastic cook.

"Ooh!" Fred and George exclaimed together.

"This looks amazing mum," Ron said, practically drooling at the sight of the food.

"Happy Christmas Eve everyone!" Arthur said, raising his glass into the air.

You were about to reach for your glass as well until you realized that it wasn't there anymore.

Oh, did I leave it somewhere? You thought as you glanced around the room.

"I'll be right back, sorry everyone," you said as you quickly stood up to go grab a new glass and fill it up.

Once you returned to your seat, there was already a glass of water sitting at your spot.

You raised an eyebrow, slightly confused as you sat back down beside Fred.

"Is this anyone's glass?" You asked your friends.

"No y/n, that's yours," Fred said, chuckling as he stabbed his fork into a piece of food.

"Well where was it a minute ago- you know what, never mind," you said, deciding to ignore the confusion and begin eating Mrs. Weasley's lovely home cooked meal.

As you all finished up your dinner and began washing your dishes, Arthur mentioned that he had found an extra box of Christmas lights in the shed that he wanted us all to help him hang up.

"Children, go help your father with the last of the Christmas lights in the front yard!" Molly shouted as she headed for the stairs to go retrieve something from her bedroom.

"Alright mum, we're going," George said for the group.

As everyone slipped on their shoes and began walking out the front door, someone grabbed your wrist and stopped you.

You spun around to see Ron still standing in the empty living room with a slightly nervous expression on his face.

"Hey are you okay?" You asked him, feeling slightly concerned at his worried expression.

He just smiled at you in response, the anxious look now dissipating from his face.

A confused smile grew on yours.

"What?" You asked.

You then heard the front door shut as you realized that you had been left alone. You didn't know if it was on purpose or not, but something told you that this was an opportunity.

He gazed at you for a moment with such passion in his eyes that it made your head spin.

"You're so beautiful y/n," he breathed, stepping towards you and gently picking up your hand from its resting place at your side.

You felt your cheeks heat up as his eyes locked onto yours, a shy smile appearing on your face. You didn't know what to do or say. He was absolutely captivating.

Then, something inside of you took over. You weren't sure what it was, but without even thinking, you took a few steps towards the living room doorway and leaned up against it, your hand still in his.

You felt your heart pounding in your chest. The tension between the two of you was overtaking.

He stepped forwards once more, placing his free hand on your lower back. He gently let go of your hand that he had been holding and slowly cupped the side of your face in his hand.

"There's something I need to tell you," he said, his gaze shifting between your eyes and your lips.

You knew what that meant.

This is it. The time is now. Your mind scrambled with thoughts.

All of a sudden, a thin-branched plant with little berries grew out of air on the doorway above you.

You both looked up at it as it caught your attention, knowing exactly what it was.

Your eyes connected once more and without saying a single word, you both knew what you both wanted. What you both had been waiting for.

His lips came crashing into yours with such desire and passion. He kissed you so deeply, leaving no space between the two of you. Both his hands now holding your face as you kissed him back with the same amount of affection and lust.

That moment made you feel like it was all worth the wait. All the time you spent wondering if he liked you the way you liked him. All the nights you went to sleep confused because you didn't know weather or not he felt the same way. All the years you had wished you could tell him how you felt, but you didn't want to jeopardize your friendship. All of it. It was all worth the wait in that one, beautiful, passion-filled moment.

As your lips slowly parted from his, and your eyes now met each other's, you could both tell that everything had changed. Although you were still staring into the eyes of the same red haired, freckle faced goofball best friend of yours, you could now rightfully call him something else as well. Yours.

Thank you all for waiting so long for this moment in the story! I wanted to make it special and I'm really happy with the way it turned out. Thank you all for the love and support throughout this story so far, I LOVE reading all of your comments! (This is not going to be the last chapter btw.)

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