19- Butterbeer and Forest Mishaps

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Your POV:

You stood beside Ron, holding tightly onto his hand as Charlie and Percy reunited with their family.

"Ron, who's this lovely lady you've got with you?" Charlie asked with a charming smile.

You returned the smile as Ron introduced you to Charlie.

"Charlie, this is y/n, my..." Ron paused. It seemed like he wasn't sure what to call you. "Erm, we'll shes-"

"His girlfriend!" Fred shouted.

Ron shot a look at Fred who was giggling, as he leaned against the wall beside George.

Ron broke his hand away from yours. He crossed his arms and didn't make eye contact with anyone. He just looked at the ceiling as an awkward silence enveloped the room.

You bit your bottom lip and looked down at the floor.

Was he that embarrassed that Fred had called me that?

At that point, your friends had called you all sorts of relationship-type names. It didn't bother you of course, but for some reason the more they said it, the more aggravated Ron became. But you weren't exactly sure why.

After a few moments, Charlie broke the silence.

"Well y/n, it's quite nice to finally meet you. I've heard wonderful things about you."

"Really?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. You hoped that meant that Ron was talking about you to his family. Just the thought of that brightened up your mood.

Later that day, Molly made a wonderful lunch for the whole family. You all sat around the long wooden table as you chatting about being excited for Christmas Day and the wonders it would bring.

The energy in the house was so positive. It really felt like Christmas time. There were hand made decorations all over the home, from garlands to ornaments, candy canes and so much more. Even the mistletoe, which you had been specifically keeping an eye out for.

Since you and your friends were all ready for the day and your new guests had finally arrived, somebody suggested that you all take one last quick trip to Diagon Alley.

Everyone agreed. Molly needed to get a few more things for Christmas dinner, Charlie and Percy wanted to look around for a gift they could give the family, and everyone else just wanted to go for the fun of it.

You all took handfuls of Floo Powder and disappeared one by one into the sporadic green flames that emerged from the dusty old fireplace.

Once in the alley, everybody split up and decided to look around. You all agreed to meet back in an hour or so.

You didn't really know how you wanted to spend your time in the alley... that was until Hermione suggested you all go for some butterbeer.

Before you knew it, you, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and the twins were seated around a wooden table, all drinking foamy cups of butterbeer.

You absolutely loved butterbeer. It made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. It was the one seasonal drink that you could never get tired of.

As you all laughed and chatted amongst yourselves, you felt a hand gently rest itself on your lower back.

You took in a breath as your heart beat began to race.

Ron, who was sitting beside you, didn't acknowledge it. He just continued talking as if nothing was happening.

He then began gently tracing small circles on your back with his finger.

You loved when he did this. It was the best feeling ever. You tried not to look overly happy as you sipped your butterbeer and engaged in conversation with your friends.

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