27- Train Rides to New Beginnings

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Your POV:

As you packed the last of your items into your trunk, you couldn't help but feel the sadness seeping into you.

You would miss the loud shouting that rang out through the whole house as Mrs. Weasley would tell Fred to pick up his quidditch gear that he had once again left in the middle of the floor, sending Mrs. Weasley stumbling over herself. You would miss the warm scent of the home-cooked meals that you and your friends were frequently treated to. You would miss the bickering between Ginny and Ron, as she tried to embarrass him in front of you, leaving him stuttering, stuck with a blushed face and shy eyes.

You weren't ready to leave.

"Is that everything?" Hermione asked you as she flipped the latches of her own trunk shut.

"I think so," you said with a sigh.

She turned her head, glancing at you with sympathetic eyes.

"Hey," she began, crouching down beside you and placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "At least we're all leaving together." She said, reading your mind. "We'll practically be living together for the next six months!"

You let out a soft laugh. She was right. It's not like you were parting with your friends. You guys would be going to school together after all.

You guessed you would just miss being at the Weasley's home. Being free to run wild with the twins. Free to sneak off to Ron's room in the late hours of the night. Free to talk with Hermione and Ginny about anything and everything at any hour of the day.

You stood up, Hermione following you up off the ground. You gave her a smile and buckled your own trunk.

The two of you walked downstairs, throwing your luggage into the growing pile that sat by the door.

Harry stomped into the kitchen with his own trunk, Hedwig's cage clutched beneath his arm.

She squawked as he placed her cage down, (Harry softly reassuring her that they would be back at Hogwarts in no time and that she had nothing to worry about) gently adding it to the mass of baggage that would need to be fit into the back of the Weasley's car.

Thank god it's magic, you thought as you starred at the heap of bags crowding the front door.

Ron came sauntering into the kitchen himself, Ginny on his heels.

"Could you walk any slower?" She said with a huff.

"Is that a challenge?" Ron asked, stopping completely.

Ginny rolled her eyes, pushing past him.

Ron shook his head as she grumbled away, making his way to the front door and placing his bag beside yours.

"You ready?" He asked you with a slightly somber smile.

You breathed a short laugh. "No." You told him, a smile creeping onto your own face as you looked up at the gorgeous ginger.

"At least you have me," he said in a jokingly self-confident manner, as he placed his hand over his chest. In a way, it reminded you of Gilderoy Lockhart and his prominent self-obsessed way of communicating.

You scoffed, raising an eyebrow at him.

"And what makes you think you're the only one I care about?" You retaliated in question, a competitive grin inching its way onto his face as you played into his playful banter.

"Well if I remember correctly, I am the one you were making out with yesterda-"

"Ron!" You scolded, trying to keep yourself from laughing but failing miserably.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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