18- Lazy Mornings and Jump Scares

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Your POV:

You were woken up from your little nap by a flash of light and the sound of hushed giggles. You slowly opened your eyes to see Fred and George standing beside Ron's dresser, in the semi-dark room, looking at something that George was holding.

Right when they noticed that you were waking up, George put the object that they had been observing behind his back.

"Y/n, are you awake?" Fred asked.

"Well I am now," you whispered, rubbing your eyes.

They exchanged awkward glances as they both backed away and stepped towards the door.

"We didn't mean to bother you, except that Charlie and Percy will be here in about 10 minutes," George informed you.

"Oh! I forgot about that," you replied, looking up at Ron who was now waking up as well. Well, sort of.

"What's happened? Why are you awake y/n? Go back to sleep," he said, still half asleep, as he wrapped his hand around your lifted head and guided it back down, onto his pillow.

You laughed at a sleepy Ron as the twins turned to try to leave the room.

"Wait-" you stopped them.

They froze in their tracks, then slowly turned back around.

"Is there any breakfast left?" You asked, curiously. You were starving, you hadn't eaten anything all morning. Surely there wouldn't be anything left over. The Weasley family tended to eat everything once it was on the table.

"I think Ginny saved you a plate," Fred said.

Thank goodness for Ginny.

You smiled, feeling grateful to have a friend like her, as you slightly shook Ron by his shoulder.

"Ron, your brothers are almost here, we have to get up."

"No, they can wait," he said, pulling your body against his as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.

You giggled. "There might still be some breakfast left over," you said, hoping it would perk him up.

He immediately lifted his head off of his pillow.

"Breakfast? They didn't eat it all yet?" He said, his eyes now wide, looking awake as ever.

"Well I think Ginny saved some for us," you said, laughing at how he all of a sudden seemed not tired at all.

"Well then, let's go eat, we've only got 10 minutes!" He said as he threw the blankets off of himself and pulled on a comfortable sweater.

"I know, we- ...wait, you were awake the whole time?" You asked, your mouth dropping open in realization as you climbed out of his bed.

He glanced around the room to avoid eye contact as he suspiciously shook his head.

"No, no, I was just..." he paused for a moment as he looked towards the door, then back at you.

He cracked a sly smile and proceeded to race out of his bedroom after realizing he had been caught. You immediately chased after him as you both began laughing hysterically.

It's never a dull moment with this one, you began to think as the two of you ran out of his room.

But right then, you spotted something out of the corner of your eye.

You stopped following Ron for a moment and looked back to see what it was. There was a thin-branched plant growing rapidly at the top of Ron's bedroom doorframe. Your eyes grew wide as you realized what it was.

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