20: Skepticism

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Tony Anderson

I saw Violet park her car in front of the hospital and step out. She was distracted, pulling files from her car as I took the moment to step out of the hospital and rush to help her.

"Violet, you're back!" I said, excited and giddy to see her again, wearing the biggest smile on my face.

"Tony!" She exclaimed, dropping whatever she was holding to hug me. I wrapped her in my arms, holding her close as I lifted her off her feet.

"How was your weekend?" I asked, missing her scent as she leaned back slightly to look at me, her arms still wrapped around my shoulders.

"It was... interesting." Violet said, "we can talk about it at dinner tonight?" She asked, leaning forward and kissing me. I smiled against her lips, a warmth filling me as we stood beside her car.

"I'd love to hear all about it."

"Um, also, Tony, don't get mad, but I have a friend who might be sticking around a little longer than we had anticipated." She said and I instantly knew she was talking about the guy that had been in her apartment: Aaron.

"Why?" I asked, feeling the ugly green face of jealousy peak through. I trusted Violet, I just didn't trust that guy and his intentions. Maybe, when I officially meet him tonight, I could gauge those intentions, rather than speculate about his whereabouts with my girlfriend.

"He's my friend Aaron," she said, but I already knew that, "he's a detective in Rosemond, but he's taken a case here and he needs my help." Violet said as I let her feet land back on the ground and raised my eyebrow.

"Why? You're a doctor. What does any case have to do with you?"

"Is that jealousy I smell on you, Tony?" She laughed, leaning forward to smell my white coat. "Ooh, maybe." She turned back to her papers as I tried to keep the stern look on my face.

"Maybe," I repeated, crossing my arms.

"Well, you don't have to worry. Aaron's just an old friend and he'll be out of here once the case is solved." She picked up some papers and turned to face me with large brown eyes, her hair was up in a messy bun; she couldn't be more beautiful. I watched her in admiration.

"Let's hope it's solved soon then." I said dryly, looking at some of the papers that she had dropped. A few of them had the word 'CONFIDENTIAL' on the watermark, so naturally, I read a few of the words before looking back up to meet her line of sight. "So, Dr. Dooley? Who is that?"

Her playful look immediately disappeared and turned cold. Violet suddenly looked afraid, which did nothing more than peak my curiosity.

"I can explain everything at dinner. Aaron will be there at seven sharp. He can explain." For some reason, it didn't sit well with me that she was inviting another man to dine with us— especially when she hadn't told me first. I was frustrated, but I tried to hide it, wanting to keep my trust on Violet. A relationship without trust was like a house without walls.

"But why?" I sighed.

"Tony." She took a deep breath as if I were testing her patience, she stacked the papers over her tan slacks and put them in a folder. I was simply curious, I had a right to know, after all.

"Violet." I responded, taking a step back, "I'll see you tonight."

I needed some air.

Without another word, I turned around and walked away. The conversation had left a bad taste in my mouth and I worried that Violet was cheating on me with her 'friend.' I wondered if my suspicions about the man who had been at the restaurant on the night of my proposal was the same man who had been in her apartment late at night last week.

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