34: Coward

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"What do you mean you know what I am?" Aaron's eyebrow rose skeptically as he glanced at me.


That's what I craved and that's what looking at him allowed me to hear.

I hadn't been to school in days, weeks maybe. Most of my time was spent running errands for the professor and attempting to take my time last as long as as possible doing them. It felt like I couldn't escape.

"Are we related somehow?" I asked, hoping to stall as the man across from me held back a slight smile. Aaron's ego filled the room. It bothered me.

"No, Luke, I don't believe we are." Aaron said, amusement in his voice even though I was trying to be serious. He was too calm, way too relaxed around me. I'd just admitted to killing Caroline and Ophelia. I threatened to kill him next. And yet, there he sat, amused and repeatedly asking me why I was there. Anybody else would've arrested me on the spot, his calmness was eerie and it scared me.

"Arrest me, Aaron. I know what you are. If you don't—,"

"Okay, one minute," Aaron said, holding a hand up to interrupt me and walking out of the room. I sat confused as voices began to cloud in again and my mind was a blur of voices. There were so many people at this precinct. I covered my ears, but it did nothing.

"This is what you want?" Aaron asked, walking back in with handcuffs in his hands. The room seemed colder and dimmer than when he had left, I could see my breath begin to take shape and I wondered if he'd done something to the temperature.

"Yes." A sigh of relief escaped as I looked at him again. The silence returned and I felt at peace again. I wanted to stare at him forever, as strange as that sounds.

"Okay..." Aaron approached me as I held out my wrists. "So, if I'm getting this right, you killed Caroline Vesper and Ophelia Alan... of your own free will? Why?" He asked as my eyes widened.

He knows.

He has to know.


I was pulled out of my thoughts as Aaron gripped my wrist and I found myself staring blankly at him. "Why, Luke?" He asked again.

My mind was blank, I could hardly think. "I... uh... didn't like them." I wanted to hit myself in the face for probably the dumbest excuse I could ever come up with.

He looked at me with a raised brow as silver eyes lit up.

"Ophelia... she..." I couldn't think with the judge-mental expression on his face. What the hell could I even say about my cousin, I wanted to break down and cry about how much I missed her.

Aaron dropped my wrist and placed the handcuffs on the table, taking the seat across from me once again.

"Luke, can I be honest with you?" He asked, not giving me a chance to respond, "I know you're hiding something, or... someone. Look, kid, you're a straight-A-student with perfect attendance. You're straight laced and there have never been any complaints about you. It doesn't make sense..." Aaron said, rubbing his temples, "who told you to hurt those girls?"

I was shocked by his bluntness. But I knew that if he wasn't going to allow me to be arrested, I'd need to resort to plan B. If he wasn't going to set me free from the torture of Dr. Dooley, I'd need to take matters into my own hands.

It was my only choice.

I furrowed my brows, glaring at Aaron now.

"I'm not your enemy Luke." Aaron sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned back, "who told you to hurt those girls. Is he threatening you?"

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